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* * 课程教学大纲 Course Outline 课程基本信息(Course Information) 课程代码 (Course Code) *学时 (Credit Hours) 3 *学分 (Credits) 3 *课程名称 (Course Title) (中文)计算机视觉 (英文)Computer Vision *课程性质 (Course Type) 授课对象 (Target Audience) *授课语言 (Language of Instruction) 中英文 *开课院系 (School) 致远学院 先修课程 (Prerequisite) C语言,数据结构,高等数学,线性代数,概率论 授课教师 (Instructor) 卢策吾 课程网址 (Course Webpage) *课程简介(Description) (中文300-500字,含课程性质、主要教学内容、课程教学目标等) 该课程是面具有较强数学能力(很强的概率论,线性代数,高等数学基础)与编程能力(精通C,C++,数据结构)的本科生。该课程分四个部分:(1)学习计算机视觉的基础理论知识:包括深度学习,深度增强学习,生成对抗学习,物体检测,视频跟踪,物体分割,场景识别,动作识别,三维重建,光流跟踪,机器人自动巡航(SLAM)。(2)培养学生解决计算机视觉实际问题的工程能力,将具体布置3个实战项目,其中一个面向国际竞赛(比如ImageNet竞赛)。(3)培养跟踪计算机视觉学术前沿的能力,要求学生至少独立调查一个方向的前沿,并给出专业的学术调查报告。(4)具备做计算机视觉研究的基本能力,将为学生拟定研究题目,要求学生能投出一篇计算机视觉学术论文。 *课程简介(Description) This course aims to helping students to build up a solid foundation in computer vision field. Students who take this course should have strong background in both mathematics (probability theory, linear algebra, advanced mathematics) and programming (master C, C++ and data structure). This course includes four stages: first, students will learn basic knowledge of computer vision, including, but not limited to, deep learning, deep reinforcement learning, Generative Adversarial Networks, object detection, object tracking, object segmentation, scene understanding, simultaneous localization and mapping, 3D reconstruction and optical flow; Second, students are required to implement some systems to solve real-world computer vision tasks. Three projects will be assigned, one of them is world-wide computer vision challenge (such as ImageNet) .Third, student will learn investigate computer vision research literatures on one compute vision topic, and produce a professional academic survey; Fourth, students are required to independently carrying out research; student will submit one paper to an academic computer vision conference or journal. 课程教学大纲(course syllabus) *学习目标(Learning Outcomes) 1.掌握计算机视觉基础理论知识 2.能对立实现基本视觉计算机任务(比如物体检测,物体跟踪等) 3.具备跟踪计算机视觉学术前沿的能


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