[名校联盟]江苏省兴化昭阳湖初中七英语下册七年级英语下册课件:Unit1 Welcome to the unit Comic strip.pptVIP

[名校联盟]江苏省兴化昭阳湖初中七英语下册七年级英语下册课件:Unit1 Welcome to the unit Comic strip.ppt

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a map of the world The white house 由于是美国总统的官邸、办公室。供第一家庭成员居住,所以中文译成“白宫”。 The Eiffel Tower 是一座于1889年建成位于法国巴黎战神广场上的镂空结构铁塔,铁塔设计新颖独特,是世界建筑史上的技术杰作,因而成为法国和巴黎的一个重要景点和突出标志。 The CN Tower 加拿大国家电视塔由加拿大国家铁路公司(英文:Canadian National Railway)建造于1976年,目的是显示加拿大强大的工业。 Big Ben 英国国会会议厅附属的钟楼,建于1859年。安装在西敏寺桥北议会大厦东侧高95米的钟楼上,钟楼四面的圆形钟盘,直径为6.7米,是伦敦的传统地标。 Red Square 是俄罗斯首都莫斯科市中心的著名广场,位于莫斯科市中心,原是前苏联重要节日举行群众集会和阅兵的地方。 famous places in these countries Japan Practice 1. There are many r________ in Beijing. You can have a nice meal there. 2.Jay Chou is my f_______ because of his songs. 3.The c______ of Russia is Moscow. 4.This apple is the smallest while that one is the b_______. 2. live in 住在 E.g. I live in Zhouzhuang. Eddie would like to live in a restaurant. live in a palace 住在一个皇宫里 3. next to = beside E.g. I would like to live next to a restaurant. = I would like to live beside a restaurant. 4. The biggest one! estaurants avourite apital iggest * * Unit 1 Dream homes Welcome to the unit Comic strip Studying aims: 1. Identify different symbolic buildings in different countries. 2. Acknowledge different expressions of countries and their capitals. How many countries do you know? Can you tell us the names of the countries? zxxk Lead-in China America/ the USA Japan England/the UK France Russia Canada Australia Italy France 美国 Japan 加拿大 Russia 法国 Canada 澳大利亚 England/the UK 意大利 America/the USA 俄罗斯 Australia 日本 Italy 英国 Do you know the names of these famous places? Which countries are they in? Presentation Mount Fuji Japan The capital of Japan is _______. Which country is this photo from? Whats the capital of Japan? Tokyo Mount Fuji 富士山是日本第一高峰, 休眠火山,是日本国内的最高峰,也是世界上最大的活火山之一,目前处于休眠状态. The capital of the USA is _____________. Washington DC the White House Which country is this photo from? America/the USA Whats the capital of the USA? The Eiffel Tower Paris France The capital of France is _______. The CN Tower The capital of Canada is



