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第 44 卷增刊 原 子 能 科 学 技 术 Vol. 44, Suppl. 2010 年 9 月 Atomic Energy Science and Technology Sep. 2010 压水堆核电厂主给水管道水锤计算及分析 王 鑫,韩伟实 (哈尔滨工程大学核科学与技术学院,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150001 ) 摘要:核电厂二回路主给水系统是保证蒸汽发生器冷却的重要系统,同时也是水锤频发的管段,研究 水锤对主给水系统的规律对于系统稳定运行具有重要意义。文章以主给水系统作为研究对象,通过 Flowmaster 软件的瞬态计算功能,建立给水泵、控制阀门等边界条件下的数学模型,计算阀门、泵关 闭时产生的水锤压力,并且导出压力等参数的瞬时变化解。结论验证了 Flowmaster 瞬态计算功能计算 水锤的可行性,结合工程实例说明,增加给水控制阀、给水泵关闭时间能有效控制水锤,改变给水泵、 给水控制阀关闭触发信号间隔能缓解水力冲击,以及管径等因素对水锤的影响,对于实际工程中的设 计和系统优化具有一定指导作用。 关键词:水锤;主给水系统;核电厂;仿真 中图分类号:TL48 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-6931 (2010 )S0-0192-06 Water Hammer Calculation and Analysis in Main Feedwater System of PWR Nuclear Power Plants WANG Xin ,HAN Wei-shi (College of Nuclear Science and Technology, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin 150001, China) Abstract: The main feedwater system of a nuclear power plant is an important part in ensuring the cooling of the steam generator. Moreover, it is the main pipe section where water hammers frequently occur. Studing the regular patterns of water hammers to the main feedwater system is significant to the stable operation of the system. The paper focuses on the study of water hammers through Flowmaster’s transient calculating function to establish a mathematical model with boundary conditions such as a feedwater pump, control valves, etc.; calculation of the water hammers pressure when feedwater pumps and control valves shut down; exporting the instantaneous change in solution of pressure. Combined with engineering practical


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