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摘要 水性氟碳外墙涂料具有优良的耐候性、突出的耐沾污性和耐腐蚀性、耐化学药品性。本文介绍了水性氟碳外墙涂料的制备、性能及其用途。着重阐述了水性氟碳外墙涂料的开发。对该涂料的耐碱性、耐水性、粘度、光泽度、耐洗刷性等性能进行了测试,分析了该涂料的组成。在此基础上讨论了配方中乳液、增稠剂、消泡剂、各种助剂对水性氟碳外墙涂料性能的影响。最终,我们得到了一种最佳配方。该涂料以氟碳乳液为主要成膜物,无毒无害,环保指标优异,能广泛应用于室外装修领域,必将成为该类涂料未来发展的主流。 关键词:水性氟碳乳液,外墙涂料,助剂,性能测试,制备 Abstract Fluorocarbon the external walls of water-based paint has good weather resistance, outstanding resistance to stain, chemicals. In this paper, I introduced the preparation and use of the aquosity paint with fluorin and carbon for external wall.The emphasi-s was on this coating’s exploit, method and course. We measure and tested its form-ulation. Based on it, we discussed the relation between the emulsion, body agent, an-tifoaming agent, coalescent and the performances outlined. At last, we got the best f-ormula .This coating regarded aquosity emulsion with fluorin and carbon as its solv--ent,no toxicant and environment performances were excellent. It can be widely used in outdoor area, and that type of coating will become the main current of the futur-e development necessarily. Keywords: aquosity emulsion with fluorin and carbon; paint for external wall; assistance; performance test; preparation 目录 TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l "_Toc200356592" 第一章 绪论 PAGEREF _Toc200356592 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc200356593" 1.1前言 PAGEREF _Toc200356593 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc200356594" 1.2 氟碳涂料的市场格局 PAGEREF _Toc200356594 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc200356595" 1.3高性能环保水性氟碳涂料是国内外建筑涂料的发展方向 PAGEREF _Toc200356595 \h 2 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc200356596" 1.3.1 国外水性氟碳涂料的现状及发展趋势 PAGEREF _Toc200356596 \h 2 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc200356598" 1.3.2 国内水性氟碳涂料的现状及发展趋势 PAGEREF _Toc200356598 \h 3 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc200356599" 1.4 新型氟碳涂料技术的应用 PAGEREF _Toc200356599 \h 4 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc200356601" 1.5问题与展望 PAGEREF _Toc200356601 \h 7 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc200356602" 1.5.1 含氟防水防油剂 PAGEREF _Toc200356602 \h 8 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc200356603" 1.5.2 含氟表面活性剂 PAGEREF _Toc200356603 \h 9 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc200356604" 1.5.3 工程用防污防腐涂料 PAGEREF _To


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