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———————』垒些坠兰坠洲Y帆1m9叭4眦m0骶0㈣1 ———————』垒些坠兰坠洲Y帆1m9叭4眦m0骶0㈣1—暑iiiii葺i宣高■葺i暑叠iiii置iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_ lllmllllllnm洲IllIuⅢnⅧ洲mⅧmI帆一一 \ Since Positivism was established,there was an often controversial question that whether Metaphysics was still valuable and deserving its ultimate position in philosophy. According to the problem of rationality,it is inevitable talk about knowledge and acquire knowledge method.If we talk about Metaphysics,we have to consider the probability and the way of unifying Category of experience and transcending experience. Metaphysics,as Chinese traditional‘'Dao’’or westem‘‘God”,although hard to be proofed,But the human ideas still given the metaphysisal quite rich connotation and denotation,and thus affect human macmillan.Metaphysics in Chinese tradition,which had defmed its culture and nationality,focused on mind and virtue,but研nl the inputting of western science and culture,deorientalization becomes its unavoidable fate in the past century.In this historical crossroad,some modem philosophers in china had to choose a way to set up their own philosophy.Jin Yuelin,a famous one,set up his philosophy、Ⅳitll a compatible attitude,he仃ied to reconstruct traditional‘'Dao”、坊Ⅱl rationality and join the Chinese and Western tradition、jI,itll logic. In this paper,1 want to give a comprehensive analysis on Jin Yuelin’S thought on a traditional proposition Wuji el"Taiji,and objectively evaluate the merit and deficiency of his system.This paper has used a comparative method to analyze the content,form and method ete of Jin’S thought on Wuji el"Taiji,in this way,1 want to find out the creative idea and value of his system of‘'Dao”.This paper begins、7I,inl the analysis on the contents and systematic discourses of Wuji ef Talji,then discusses the rationality and feasibility of Jin’S combination of the Chinese and Western tradition,then tries to give an critical analysis on his New Wine in Old Bottle Model from rational and emotional viewpoint.As the end



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