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中文摘要制备气相色谱是分离共沸物的有效方法之一。制备气相色谱具有能量消耗 中文摘要 制备气相色谱是分离共沸物的有效方法之一。制备气相色谱具有能量消耗 低、分离效果好等特点,因此对于化工和制药行业中大量的共沸物分离,具有广 阔的应用前景。 目前制备气相色谱在工业上很难进行大规模的应用,主要有两方面的原因: 第一是工业上需要大柱径色谱柱,而常规的气相色谱载体无法进行放大应用:第 二是工业上需要大规模进样,而目前还没有方法能够实现。 针对制备气相色谱上述两个问题,本文提出了以金属丝网填料作为气相色谱 载体来固定固定液的方法,该方法以0网环不锈钢填料(3minx3ram)作为载体, 以聚乙二醇20000作为固定相构建了色谱柱。本文还提出了一种进样方式一提前 气化进样方式,即将液相的分离物系在进样之前就进行气化。 本文研究了采用金属丝网填科作为固定液载体和采用提前气化进样方式的 气液色谱分离过程,并以二元共沸物正丙醇和水作为实验物系进行了实验研究, 考察了进样量、柱温、载气流速、柱尺寸及填料粒径等因素对于正丙醇和水的共 沸物分离效果的影响。结果表明:采用金属丝网填料作为气液色谱固定相的载体 是完全可行的;提前气化进样方式易于控制,有利于工业应用放大;所构建的气 液色谱装置能够正常分离共沸物。 关键词: 气液色谱金属丝网载体提前气化进样方式共沸物分离 ABSTRACTPreparative ABSTRACT Preparative gas chromatography is one of the efficient methods to separate azeotrope.For it has the advantages of low energy consumption and good separation result,preparative gas chromatography has a wide range of application in separating a large amount of azeotrope in chemical and pharmaceutical industry. Now preparative gas chromatography has some difficulty in applying on a large scale in the industry.There are two reasons mostly.First,the chromatogram column with large diameter is needed in the industry,but the regular carrier of gas chromatography can’t be applied on large scale.Second,there needs large·scale injection in the industry,however,it hasn’t been realized until now. Based on the two problems of preparative gas chromatography,this paper proposed a new method using wire mesh packing as carrier of the stationary phase. The chromatogram column was configurated using 0 ring stainless steel packing as the carrier and cetomacrogol 20000 as the stationary phase.A new injection mode which is called the injection mode of gasification in advance was proposed.The feed Was gasified before the蛳ection in this mode. The separation process of gas—liquid chromatography using wire mesh packing as carrier of the stationary phase and adopting the mode of gasification in advance as a new injection method Was studied.The experiments using binary azeotrope of 1-propanol and


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