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北京慧通文府培训学校教研部 第五单元B4 教师______ 学生________ 分数_______ 日期_______ SectionA 1,用所给词的适当形式填空 1,How beautiful the _______ (flower) ,My mother must love them 2.______ (organize) your thought before you begin your new semester. 3.________(clean--up) is a hard working ,isnt it? 4. Ill go to Shanghai next month ,_______________( have a good time ) 5.________ (take away ) your things. 选词填空 am going to shopping an ID card wear jeans school rules study for a test 6,I think I ___________ with Lily. 7.If you don’t have _______________ You can’t go to the pqrty. 8 .I _____ like suit.I’d love ___________ 9 The following are ________. I hope you can remember them. 10..The students ________________ because it is important for them. 根据题意回答问题 11,I think I ‘m going to take a bus to the party. 翻译句子 回答(如果你这样做了,你就会迟到) 12.补全句子 如果我去参加聚会,我将会带一个礼物去。 If I go to that party ,I will ______ _________ _______ the host. 13. 让全班半数的同学去参加聚会不是一件很困难的事。 It’ not _______ to let _____ ____________ ____________ to go to the party. 14.如果你穿牛仔裤去,老师是不会让你进去的。 If you wear jeans to the party, The teachers won’t ____ you ______. 15.你明天要在家看电视吗? _______ ______ going to ______ ______at home? 16. 什么时间是举行聚会的好时刻? _______ _______- _________________ ___________ to have party. 18. 你不应该在礼拜天呆在家里 You ______ ___________ at home on Sunday. 19, 如果我穿着牛仔裤去,会发生什么事? If I am going to wear jeans to the pparty,________ ______________ _________? 20,不要再聚会上大声说话。 _______ shout at the party. Section B. B. 根据句意及汉语提示填写单词,使句子完整通顺。 1.,I think it’s a good _______ (机会)ito study in America. ,2,I think it’s difficult to be a __________ (律师) 3..The show is held to collect money for ________ ( 慈善事业)。Everybody would like to take part in it 4.,Many professional athletes get _____(受伤) 5.Tomorrow ,Class 4 will play _____ (对抗)Class 3. 根据中文意思完成句子 1.很多人在与人沟通方面存在困难。 M


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