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. .. 基于Lucene的搜索引擎 作者姓名:王旭 专业班级:2010050704 指导教师:涂德志 摘要 从1994年至今,万维网经过了二十年的飞速发展,当前的万维网数据规模到底有多大无从估量。随着网络信息资源的急剧增长,现如今,信息已经不再是一种稀缺的资源,我们的注意力反而变得稀缺了。人们越来越多地关注如何快速有效地从海量的网络信息中,抽取出潜在的、有价值的信息,使之有效地在管理和决策中发挥作用。搜索引擎提供了一种便捷的获取网络信息的途径,只要你能在电脑上打字,那么你就能通过“输入关键字+自行浏览”的用户交互方式快速查找到自己感兴趣的资源。目前Web搜索引擎(Search Engine) 技术正成为计算机科学界和信息产业界争相研究、开发的对象。 搜索引擎是指互联网上一种提供用户查询的一类应用。通过人工目录整理或者是网络爬虫收集互联网上已经存在的网页,在用户输入查询词后,将相关网页迅速展现给用户。用户自行浏览后选择最合适期望的链接,进入查看。 关键词:网络信息资源 Web搜索引擎 查询 ABSTRACT Since 1994, the World Wide Web after two decades of rapid development, how much the current size of the World Wide Web is incalculable. With the rapid growth of network information resources, nowadays, the information is no longer a scarce resource, however,our attention became scarce . more and more concerned about how quickly and efficiently from the vast amounts of network information, to extract potentially valuable information to effectively play a role in the management and decision-making. Search engines provide a convenient way to obtain network information, as long as you can type on a computer, then you can through the mode: keywords + browse ,to quickly find the resources you are interested. Currently Web search engine (Search Engine) technology is becoming the target computer science and information industry compete on development. Search engine on the Internet refers to a method of providing a user queries a class of applications. Sorting through artificial catalog or web crawlers to collect Web pages on the Internet already exist, after the user enters the query words, the relevant pages quickly presented to the user. Choose the most appropriate link , browse the desired post into view. Keywords: Network Information Resources Web Search Engine Consult .. 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc388627541 第1章 前 言 PAGEREF _Toc388627541 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc388627542 1.1 搜索引擎的学术背景与实际意义 PAGEREF _Toc388627542 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc388627543 1.2 国内外文献综述 PAGEREF _Toc388627543 \h 2 HYPERLINK \l


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