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基于绝缘电阻模型电动汽车高压电漏电监 摘要:电动汽车和混合动力汽车的高压系统绝缘性 能直接关系到驾驶员和乘客的生命安全。分析了传统的绝缘 监测方案方法无法监测车辆全部高压电气系统的原因,提出 从整车高压电气系统角度建立的、可以准确描述交直流侧高 压电气系统绝缘情况的漏电监测模型,并提出了静态和动态 的整车高压电漏电监测方案,理论推导并仿真验证了整车交 直流侧高压电气系统的绝缘电阻并联值是判断整车绝缘性 能的依据。 关键词:整车绝缘监测模型;漏电检测方案;电动汽车 中图分类号:U463. 2文献标文献标志码:A文献标DOI: 10. 3969/j. issn. 2095-1469. 2012.06.06 Hybrid and electrie vehicles are becoming more common as alternatives to vehicles powered solely by internal combustion engines. Both hybrid and electrie vehicles employ electric drive motors powered by a high voltage DC power supply. The battery voltage used in hybrid and electrie vehicles is the way beyond protective extra low voltage? The battery pack can produce 300 volts or more. It is mounted on the vehicle in a manner that electrically it is isolated from both the vehicle,s chassis and the passenger compartmerit. High voltage leakage current flow would bring about many seriously resuIts. For example, huge short-circuit current will sharply increase the temperature of the circuit when there is a short circuit in the power system, so that the insulation materials are ignited as well as surrounding combustible materials? Heat accumulation effect in the leakage circuit wou 1 d also lead to vehicle fire when the insulation between high voltage bus and vehicle chassis is damaged seriously at several points[l]? Besides, although there are many related requirements about insulation materials and machine shells and protection measures such as automatic shut-off circuit, interlock function and fuse plug, high voltage leakage problem still happens in some cases? For these reasons it is necessary to monitor the insulation performance of the high voltage system in electrically assisted or completely electrically powered vehicles, and in case of detecting the leakage, a necessary countermeasure should be immediately taken. The high voltage leakage monitoring method commonly used in hybrid and electrie vehicles is to calculate the insulation resista nee value by measuring


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