新概念第一册 Leson107-108课件.ppt

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2. nice – nicer – the nicest, late – later – the latest, 变化规则: 以不发音字母“e”结尾的单词,直接在词尾加 “r”或“st” Ex. close, fine, large, rude fat – fatter- the fattest, big – bigger – the biggest, 变化规则: 以重读闭音节结尾的单词,如果词尾只有一个辅音字母时,应先双写这一辅音字母,再加“er”或“est”(以辅元辅结尾) Ex. thin, hot, fat, sad, wet happy – happier – the happiest, easy – easier – the easiest, 变化规则: 以辅音字母+y结尾的单词,应先改“y”为“i”,在加“er”或“est” Ex. heavy, healthy, busy, lucky, pretty, funny 5、 beautiful – more beautiful – most beautiful 变化规律: 其他双音节单词和多音节单词,都在其前面加“more”或“most” Ex. interesting important careful expensive Emma is tall. Paul is than Emma. Hans is student in our class. taller the tallest 二、比较级的不规则变化 good/well – better – the best bad - worse - the worst many/ much – more – the most little – less - the least * 用法 1. 比较级只用于两者之间 常用于‘比较级+than’结构中。 He is fatter than me. 2.最高级常用于“the+最高级+比较范围”结构 She is the best student in the class. He sings (the)best in the class. 形容词最高级加the,副词最高级常可省去the. * 练习 1) 他比我要聪明 He is cleverer than me. 2)中国比美国大 China is larger than the U.S. 3)他们比我们跑得快 They run faster that us. 4)这幅画比那幅画漂亮 This picture is more beautiful than that one. 5)这个女孩是全班最瘦的 The girl is the thinnest in her class. 6)他开车是所有人当中最快的一个。 He drives (the) most quickly among them all. Lesson 107 It’s too small. New words madam n.夫人,女士(对妇女的尊称) smart adj.漂亮的 as well 同样 suit v.适于 pretty adj.漂亮的 * ★ madam n. 1) 夫人,女士 对妇女(己婚或未婚)的敬称,或在写给承陌生妇女的欣函中开头的称呼,相当于称呼男士的sir. 太太(小姐),有需要我效劳的吗? Can I help you, madam? Dear Madam(商用书信中对妇女的称呼) 2)…. 女士(用于职称前面的称呼) --Madam Chairman 主席女士 --Madam President 总 统 女士 * Mr. 对男士的称呼。 Ms.对女士的称呼,不清楚是否已婚的情况下。 Mrs.已婚女士的称呼。 Miss.对未婚女士的称呼。 Madam.对领导,长者或者女士的尊称。 Sir 对男士的尊称 * ★ smart adj. 1) 漂亮的 你今天看起来很漂亮。 You look very smart today. 2)伶俐的,聪明的 精明的推销员 a smart salesman * ★ as well 同样 as well常用作状语,作“又;也”解,相当于too或also,常位于句末,无须用逗号与句子分开。如:


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