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第 24 卷 第 18期 中国给 水排 水 V o.l 24 No. 18 2008年 9 月 CH INA W ATER & WA STEWAT ER Sep. 2008 污水处理系统中鸟粪石结垢的控制技术 李 涛, 周 律 (清华大学 环境科学与工程系, 京 100084) : 在城市污水处理厂内, 特别是采用生物法去除营养物质的污水处理厂内, 如果不采 取有效措施控制鸟粪石结垢的产生, 将会引起严重的运行和管理问题重点讨论了鸟粪石结垢的 防范措施, 包括: 改进污水污泥处理工艺调节污水污泥的 pH降低鸟粪石生成组分浓度回收鸟粪 石沉淀污水污泥处理设备材料改性等这些方法各有特点, 应根据实际需要相互结合使用 : 污水处理厂; 营养物去除; 鸟粪石结垢; 控制技术 : X703. 1 : B : 1000- 4602( 2008) 18- 0014- 05 Con trol T echno logies of Struvite Scaling in W astewater Treatm en t Sy stem s LI T ao, ZHOU Lv (D ep artm ent of Environm ental Science and Eng ineering, Ts ing hua Un iversity, B eij ing 100084, Ch ina) A bstract: S t uv ite scaling is a comm on p ob lem in m un icipal w astew ate t eatm ent plants, espe- cia lly in p lants w ith enhanced b io log ical nut ient em oval p ocesses. T he sca ling can cause sign ificant op- e ation and m anagem ent p ob lem s if not antic ipated. But st uv ite scaling can be com pletely con t o lled if p ope ly add essed by using som e effective m easu es. These m easu es include mi p ov ing wastew ate and sludge t eatm ent p ocesses, adjusting the pH va lue ofw astew ate and sludge, educing the concent ations of m agnesium, amm on ium o phosphate ions, ecove ing the st uv ite p ec ip itat ion occu ing in cont o lling conditions, se lect ing the m ate ials used in w astewa te and sludge facilities and so on. Each m easu e has its advantages and disadvantages and can be used alone o com bined w ith o the s. Key w ords: w astew ate t eatm ent plant; nut ient em oval; st uv ite scaling; cont o l techno lo- g ies , , 1 鸟粪石结垢的形成 ,


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