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Unit 9 Science and Technology I单元导读 经典引用 The whole of science is nothing more than a refinement of everyday thinking. Albert Einstein 科学的全部就是日常思维的一个精致版本。 --爱因斯坦 People must understand that science is inherently neither a potential for good nor for evil. It is a potential to be harnessed by man to do his bidding. Glenn T. Seaborg 人们必须明白,科学本身事先并没有要为了某种高尚或邪恶的目的,它是被人类利用来完成他们目的的力量。--格兰·T·西博格(1951 年诺贝尔化学奖得主) 思考问题 What do the advances in science and technology bring to us average people?科学技术的进步给我们普通老百姓带来了什么? You may ask yourself the following questions: How has your life changed with mobile phones, MP3, VCD, DVD, etc.? Is it possible now for you to get information about almost anything from almost anywhere and to communicate with people all over the world? Do you think business can be run and managed by individuals working in their homes connected by computer? Did you notice that the vegetables and fruits we eat today are not as tasty as that of the past? What do you think are the causes? Are you living in a world of more noise and air pollution? Do you think that the existence of nuclear power poses a grave threat to the future of the world? 相关链接 1. Definitions of Technology “Technology” has more than one definition. One is the development and application of HYPERLINK /wikipedia.asp?l=enpages=tools \o tools tools, HYPERLINK /wikipedia.asp?l=enpages=machine \o machine machines, HYPERLINK /wikipedia.asp?l=enpages=materials \o materials materials and HYPERLINK /wikipedia.asp?l=enpages=processes \o processes processes that help to solve human problems. As a human activity, technology predates both HYPERLINK /wikipedia.asp?l=enpages=science \o science science and HYPERLINK /wikipedia.asp?l=enpages=engineering \o engineering engineering. It embodies the human knowledge of solving real problems in the design of standard tools, machines, materials or the process. Thus standardization of design is


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