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英文名著3000 本 Life and Letters of Robert Browning by Mrs. Sutherland Orr Second Edition 1 英文名著3000 本 Preface Such letters of Mr. Brownings as appear, whole or in part,in the present volume have been in most cases given to me by the persons to whom they were addressed, or copied by Miss Browning from the originals under her care; but I owe to the daughter of the Rev. W. J. Fox -- Mrs. Bridell Fox -- those written to her father and to Miss Flower;the two interesting extracts from her fathers correspondence with herself and Mr. Brownings note to Mr. Robertson. For my general material I have been largely indebted to Miss Browning.Her mery was the only existing record of her brothers boyhood and youth.It has been to me an unfailing as well as always accessible authority for that subsequent period of his life which I could only know in disconnected facts or his own fragmentary reminiscences.It is less true, indeed, to say that she has 2 英文名著3000 本 greatly helped me in writing this short biography than that without her help it could never have been undertaken. I thank my friends Mrs. R. Courtenay Bell and Miss Hickey for their invaluable assistance in preparing the book for,and carrying it through the press; and I acknowledge with real gratitude the advantages derived by it from Mr. Dykes Campbells large literary experience in his very careful final revision of the proofs. A. Orr. April 22, 1891.


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