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2011 年 第 20 卷 第 4 期 计 算 机 系 统 应 用
VTK 医学图像三维重建应用及实现
1 1,2 2 3 1
洪 涛 ,潘志方 ,林立本 ,杨丽丽 ,沈琴琴
1(温州医学院 信息与工程学院,温州 325035)
2(温州医学院 检验医学院与生命医学院,温州 325035)
3(温州医学院 第一临床医学院,温州 325035)
摘 要:VTK 是开放源码的自由软件系统,可应用于图像处理、计算机图形学和科学计算可视化,在国内外被
广泛用于各行各业。介绍了 VTK 的基本组成、系统架构、可视化流程。并且将 VTK 应用于医学图像可视化,
使用面绘制的移动立方体法和体绘制的光线投影法,在 Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 下使用 C++语言分别实现了
医学图像三维重建,并给出了系统实例。实践证明,使用 VTK 开发医学图像三维重建系统,重建效果好,开发
关键词:VTK ;三维重建;动立方体法;光线投影法;医学可视化
Application and Realization of 3D Reconstruction of Medical Images of VTK
1 1,2 2 3 1
HONG Tao , PAN Zhi-Fang , LIN Li-Ben , YANG Li-Li , SHEN Qin-Qin
1(School of Information and Engineerin, Wenzhou Medical College, Wenzhou 325035, China)
2(School of Laboratory Medicine and Life Science, Wenzhou Medical College, Wenzhou 325035, China)
3(School of the First clinical medical sciences, Wenzhou Medical College, Wenzhou 325035, China)
Abstract: VTK, which is an open source free software system, can be applied to image processing, computer graphics
and visualization in scientific computing, and it is widely used in all walks of life at home and abroad. This dissertation
describes the basic composition, system architecture, and visualization process of VTK. Furthermore, it applies VTK to
the visualization of medical images, uses a surface rendering- Marching Cubes algorithm- and a volume rendering- Ray
Casting algorithm- to achieve 3D reconstruction of medical images under the Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, and has
designed the system examples. Practice proves, using VTK to develop medical images’ reconstruction system has good
reconstruction results, less development time and high code reuse rate.
Keywords: VTK; 3D reconstruction; marching cubes algorithm; ray c
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