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1 5- 6 Vo.l 1 No. 5- 6
2006 12 Chinese Journal of Sh ip Research Dec. 2006
( 中国舰船研究设计中心, 湖北武汉 3006 )
: , , ,
: ; ; ; ;
: U66 . 33 : A : 1673- 3185( 2006) 05- 06- 68- 03
Analysis on Surface P iercing P ropeller Induced V ertical Forces
X iaX iang L i Shui-cai L iH ui-min
( Ch ina Ship Developm ent and Design Center, Wuhan 3006 , China )
Abs tract: Surface propeller is know n as surface-p iercing propeller, or sem -i subm erged propeller. It
usually w orks in the oblique flow, and its blades come into and out of the w ater surface, therefore
vertical forces are generated as the propeller rotates. Analysis on the cause of vertical forces ismade
in th is paper, in order to provide a reference for further research on the surface propeller.
K ey w ord s: surface p iercing propeller; hydrodynam ics; oblique flow; axial flow; vertical force
, ,
, 1( a), ,
, 1( b),
, 1( c),
1 螺旋桨在斜向流中产生的垂向力
, 1( d) 6b
, ,
1. 1 周向力及垂直桨轴的分力
: 2006- 06- 23
: ( 196 - ), , : E-m ail: xx. 701@ 163. com
5- 6 : 69