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商务信函英文写作 (一)商务信件格式 Formats of Commerce Letters 1.信头 (letter heading) 2.日期 (date) 3.封内地址 (Inside address) 4.称呼 (greeting) 5.正文 (body) 6.结尾 (closing) 7.签名 (signature) 8.打印名 (printed name) 信函的基本结构(The Basic Structure of Business Letters) Formats of commerce Letters 商务信函要达到良好的沟通效果,一方面要撰写恰如其分的句子和段落,另一方面还必须运用恰当有效的信函格式。 Layout of a Business Letter 商业信函的格式 Three major forms Indented Form 缩行式(逐渐少用) Blocked Form 齐头式(广受欢迎) Semi-block Style混合式/半齐头式 Modified Blocked Form 改良齐头式 Indented style is easier to read. But it is rarely used in business. It is a slightly less formal modification of full block format. Some people still use it for hand written personal letters.? Features of the indented format include:? Your address is on the right hand side of the page.?? The date is on the right.? The inside address and greeting is flush left. The closing, signature, and printed name are all indented to the right half of the page. The first line of each paragraph is indented, it starts 1 cm from the margin.? A line is not placed between each paragraph.? 1.缩行式(Indented Style) 56 Yango Rd BROGALA VIC 3321 20 October 1998 45 Carlton St. GREENS CAPE VIC 3467 Dear Greg, It was great to hear from you. I cannot believe you will be turning 40 next month. I can remember our high school days so well. My wife and I would be delighted to come to your 40th birthday party. We are really looking forward to it. Regards, John John 2. 齐(或平)头式(Block Style或Full—Block Style) The commonest layout for the business letter today is known as the blocked style. It is considered the most formal. In this style all new lines of typing are ranged to the left, all text starts at the left margin. ? Features of full-blocked format include: ? All text starts at the left margin?? No punctu


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