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ABB Drives User’s Manual HTL Encoder Interface FEN-31 HTL Encoder Interface FEN-31 User’s Manual 3AUA0000031044 Rev B EN EFFECTIVE: 2010-04-06 © 2010 ABB Oy. All Rights Reserved. 5 Safety instructions Overview This chapter states the general safety instructions that must be followed when installing and operating the FEN-31 HTL Encoder Interface. In addition to the safety instructions given below, read the complete safety instructions of the specific drive you are working on. These warnings are intended for all who work on the drive. Ignoring the instructions can cause physical injury or death, or damage the equipment. General safety instructions WARNING! All electrical installation and maintenance work on the drive should be carried out by qualified electricians only. The drive and adjoining equipment must be properly grounded. Do not attempt any work on a powered drive. After switching off the mains, always allow the intermediate circuit capacitors 5 minutes to discharge before working on the frequency converter, the motor or the motor cable. It is good practice to check (with a voltage indicating instrument) that the drive is in fact discharged before beginning work. The motor cable terminals of the drive are at a dangerously high voltage when mains power is applied,


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