英语人教版八年级上册Unit 8 It must belong to Carl.docx

英语人教版八年级上册Unit 8 It must belong to Carl.docx

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Unit 8 It must belong to Carl 【学习目标】 1 掌握下列生词和短语 New words: belong, ,author, picnic, possibly Key phrases: belong to go for a picnic have a picnic as….as possible hair band 2 掌握重点句子 ⑴ It must belong to Carla.. ⑵He was the only little kid at the picnic. ⑶ It must be Ming’s. 3 表示猜测的情态动词 肯定猜测 must 否定猜测 can’t. 【自学提示】 翻译下列短语 ⑴属于 ⑵在野餐 ⑶野餐 ⑷去野餐 2 读句子,找规律: ⑴ It must be Linda’s backpack.. ⑵ It must belong to Linda. 我能总结 must be 后跟__________ must belong to 后跟___________ 3 我能辨析 It ------be Li Lei’s. 它 肯定是李磊的。 It------be Li Lei’s. 它不可能是李磊的。 表示肯定的猜测用_________否定的猜测用_________。 4 难句突破 ⑴ Whose volleyball is this? It must be Carla’s. Whose 翻译为_______修饰_______,在句型转换时,通常对物主代词或名词所有格进行提问。 例如:This is my book. _______book is this? This book is mine. ________is this book? ②It must be Carla’s =_____________需要注意的是belong to 后接宾语,当其代词时用宾格。 ⑵ He was the only little kid at the picnic.. only 作________词,意为______用来修饰_____。例句 He is the only boy in his family. 翻译全句_________________________________. 【知识点拨】 1. It must belong to Carla.它肯定是卡拉的。belong to是“属于”的意思,后面常接人,这时句子的主语习惯是用物件名词或代词来充当。 This cell phone belongs to me. 这个手机是我的。 ◎belong to常与物主代词进行句型替换。 These books belong to me.=These books are mine.这些书属于我的。 2. He was the only little kid at the picnic. (P34)他是野餐中惟一的小孩。 副词only一般放在它所修饰的词之前。它在句中的位置不同,句意也不同,大家千万要留意啊! Only Tom drives the new car on Sunday. 只有汤姆在星期日开新车。(强调“只有汤姆而没有其他人”。) Tom only drives the new car on Sunday. 汤姆在星期日只是开新车。(强调“只是开车而不干其他事”。) Tom drives only the new car on Sunday. 汤姆在星期日只开新车。(强调“只开新车而不开旧车”。) Tom drives the new car only on Sunday. 汤姆仅在星期日开新车。(强调“只在星期日而不在其他日子”。) 【达标测评】 根据句意,用情态动词must, can’t 填空。 1 Whose skirt is this? I think it _____be Anna’s . She is the only girl who wears a skirt in our class. 2 Whose jeans are there? I found them on the chair in the liviing room. They ______be mine . I put all my jeans on my bed 根据汉语提示完成句子 1She is Mary’s favorite _______作家 2 This ticket must _______属于 Mary . 3 That ______ 不可能 my father’s bike.


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