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2008 8 Augu t 2008 4 F OREST RESOU RCES MANAGEM ENT No.4 1 1 2 王晓丽, 牛树奎, 阚振国 (1., 100083;2., 102202) :森林燃烧所释放的热量、 火种类、 火行为等各种林火属性与树种易燃性密 相关, 而树种的理化性质在 一 定程度上制约着易燃性, 因此对树种理化性质和易燃性的研究是必要的。基于20 种树种的实验分析, 确定了可 燃物热值、 抽提物含量、 灰分含量、 含水量、 密度的相关性, 并建立相应的回归模型;基于树种理化性质的分 析, 比较了20 种树种的易燃性, 进行排序并划分等级。 :树种;树种理化性质;易燃性 :S762.3;S781.3  :A :1002-6622(2008)04-0083-06 The Preliminary Analysis of the Characteristics and Flammability of Main Tree Species in Beijing Area 1 1 2 WANG Xiaoli , NIU Shukui , KAN Zhenguo (1.TheK ey f or S ilviculture and Forest Conservation of Ministry of Education,Beij ing Forestry Un iversity , Beij ing 100083, Ch ina; 2.Command College of Four K inds of Armed PoliceForces,Beij ing 102202, Ch ina) Abstract:The fore t fire character , uch a the effective heat of combu tio n,fire kind and f ire behav - ior , have the correlativity w ith flammability ,but the phy ical and chemical propertie are the deciding factor of flammability.So it i nce ary to tudy the phy ical and chemical propertie and flammability of tree .Ba ed on the experiment and analy i of 20 tree pecie , the paper quantified the correlation among the characteri tic of tree pecie , uch a the heat of combu tion, extractive content, a h con- tent, moi ture content and pecific den ity ,and e tabli hed the regre ive model .According to the anal- y i of tree characteri tic ,the flam mability of 20 tree pecie i com pared,put in order and ranked. Key words:tree pecie , tree pecie characteri tic , flammability   。 ,、 ,、, ; 。( ,。, )() ;, :2007-12-21;:2008-04-01 :“(D070600 100009 1)”;


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