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实用标准 文档 在会议上常用的英语口语句子 在会议上 AT THE MEETING 101 Our meeting will be next Tuesday at eight o’clock. 我们的会议将在下星期二八点钟举行。 102 We want to change our meeting from Monday to Wednesday. 我们想把会议由星期一改为星期三。 103 Sit down, please. Have a smoke and a cup of tea. 请坐,请抽烟、喝茶。 104 Which problems shall we discuss today? 我们今天讨论哪些问题? 105 Today we shall discuss the question of hydraulic (pneumatic)test. 今天我们将讨论水压、(气压)试验问题。 106 Please give us your opinion.(point of view, ideas) 请把你的意见(观点、想法)告诉我们。 107 We must know your opinion. 我们必须知道你的意见。 108 We are willing to accept your suggestion.(plan) 我们乐于采纳你的建议(计划)。 109 Your suggestion suits us. We agree. 你的建议适合我们,我们同意。 110 Please forgive me. We have different (opposite) views on this. Our opinion is … 请原谅,我们对此有不同的(相反的)看法.我们的意见是…… 111 I am very sorry, but I disagree with you. 我很报歉,我不同意你说的。 112 We should be able to settle this question. 我们应该能够解决这个问题。 113 We would like to hear your opinions. 我们想听一下你的意见。 114 We must act according to the contract. 我们应该按照合同办事。 115 Thanks for the advice, but this is something we have to figure out (workout) ourselves. 感谢你的劝告,但此事我们要自己考虑一下。(解决) 116 I do not see any point in discussing the question any further. 我认为进一步讨论此事没有必要。 117 Let us discuss these problems one by one.(step by step) 让我们一个一个地(一步一步地)讨论这些问题。 118 Do you agree with me? 你同意我吗? I agree. 我同意。 I disagree. 我不同意。 I agree with you, but with some reservations. 我同意,但有某些保留。 119 I think so. 我想是这样。 I do not think so. 我不这样想。 120 Shall we have a break? 我们休息一下好吗? 121 It is a question which we shall not discuss here. 这个问题我们将不在此讨论。 122 We have not get fully determined. 我们尚未完全决定。 123 This is something beyond our comprehension. 这是我们不可理解的事。 124 I regret to say that I can not agree with you. 我很报歉(遗憾),不能同意你。 125 We hold the opinion of our own. 我们坚持我们的意见。 126 Let us decide on this point. 让我们决定这一点。 127 We decide to do so. 我们决定这样办。 128 This problem must be reported to the higher level, they have the final say to make decisions. 这个问题应该


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