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PAGE 45 - 实用标准文案 文档 CT断层图像重建算法研究 专业:通信工程 姓名:刘明帅 指导教师:骆岩红 摘 要 CT技术是一种融合了射线光电子学、信息学、微电子学等学科的新兴技术,因为其先进的无损检测技术,所以被广泛地应用于医学、航天、生物等多个领域。随着科技的进步,图像重建技术开始应用于X射线中,这是数字图像处理的一个重大进步。如何能重建出高质量的图像,取决于所采用的重建算法。从图像重建的角度来看,主要分为解析法与迭代法。 解析法是利用解析、变换重建公式来构建重建图像。它具有容易实现,速度较快,且能重建出高质量的图像的特点,但是对投影数据完备性要求高。迭代法是利用求解线性方程组来重建图像,它能够在投影数据信噪较低条件下,获得高质量图像。本文将从原理、应用、与优缺点的角度来分析两种算法,重点对解析法中的滤波反投影算法从平行束与扇束投影方式进行研究,最后通过Visual C++与MATLAB软件相结合的方式对图像重建,并分析各参数对重建图像的影响。 关键字:CT技术 图像 重建算法 滤波反投影算法 Abstract CT technology is a emerging technology that blend of the Ray optoelectronics, microelectronics and informatics subject. Because of its advanced nondestructive testing technology, it is widely used in medical, aerospace, biological and other fields. With the progress of science and technology, Image reconstruction technology is applied to the X ray, This is a major progress of digital image processing. How to rebuild the high quality images, depends on the reconstruction algorithm you adopt. From the perspective of image reconstruction,?it mainly divided into the analytical method and iteration method. Analytical method use the analysis and transform formula to build image reconstruction.It has the characteristics of implementating easily and fast,and reconstructing out high quality images,but the demand of the projection data is high. Iterative method is used to solve the linear system of equations to reconstruction image, the projection data under the condition of low signal-to-noise, it can get high quality image.This article we will be from the point of view of the principle ,application,and the advantages and disadvantages to analysis the two kinds of algorithms,?focusing on studying the analytical method of filter back projection algorithm from the parallel beam and fan beam projection methods , finally, combining the software of Visual c + + with MATLAB software to image reconstruction, and analyzes the influence of various parameters on the reconstruction image Key words: CT technol


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