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FA S H I O N I N A R C H I T E C T U R E 金属 M E TA L 凤凰空间·北京 编 谨以此书高调迎接建筑立面的个性化时代,或者说建筑 “时装定制”时代的到来。 This book is dedicated to the forthcoming era of individualized building facades, or the era of custom fashion for architecture. 前 言 PREFACE ■弗兰克·盖里说:“金属是我们这个时代的材料,它使建筑变成了雕塑。” ■金属材料具有无数类型和色彩,而且经碾压、打磨能够达到精密的、 要求严格的容差,给设计者提供无限的应用范围。 ■金属的拼板,在现代面漆工艺下,自身便可以拥有无数的色彩。此外, 相互间些许角度的不同,即能反射出更多的色彩。 ■就连锈蚀的立面都有着那“饮尽孤独”的现代范儿,成为大家争相追 随的偶像。 ■镂空的性能让更多传统的手艺可以依附于建筑之上。 ■在世界的每一个城市的近代建筑当中,钢材和其他的建筑用金属均生 成于火红的熔炉里面,它们增强了现代建筑师能够建造更高大、更大胆 和更富有表现力的建筑物的信心。 ■ For us, metal is the material of our era, Frank Gehry said, It turns architecture into sculpture. Metal has many types and colors. Through lamination and polishing, it will ■ create precise tolerance, providing designers with a wide range of options. ■ Modern paint finish technique brings metal panels countless colors. Moreover, a little angle difference among the metal panels will give rise to various reflected colors. Rusting façades can attract architects with unmatched modern charm. ■ The performance of hollow-out enables many traditional crafts to be ■ reborn on architecture. In modern times, steel and other metal materials were all born in smelting ■ furnaces. They boosted modern architects confidence in building higher, more challenging and more expressive architecture. 第一部分 PART 1 建筑金属“时装”历史 HISTORY OF METAL FASHION IN ARCHITECTURE 002 008 1. 古代 2. 近代 1. ANCIENT


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