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. PAGE .. . .. 2013届毕业设计说明书 IIR数字滤波器的设计 院 、 部: 电气与信息工程学院 学生姓名: 指导教师: 职称 讲师 专 业: 电子信息工程 班 级: 完成时间: 2013年5月28日 摘 要 在现代通信系统中,因为信号中经常混有各种复杂成分,因而很多信号分析都是基于滤波器而进行的。而数字滤波器[1],则是通过数值运算实现滤波,它具有处理精度高、灵活、稳定、不存在阻抗匹配问题的特点。根据单位冲激响应函数的时域特性,数字滤波器可分为两种,即有限长冲激响应(FIR)数字滤波器和无限长冲激响应(IIR)数字滤波器。IIR数字滤波器实现的阶次要求较低,所用的存储单元也较少,并且具有效率高,精度高的优点,除此还能够保留一些模拟滤波器的优良特性,所以应用领域广阔。 本文主要研究了IIR数字滤波器的常用设计方法,即冲激响应不变法和双线性变换法。在分析IIR数字滤波器的原理基础上,从理论分析确定了所要设计的IIR数字滤波器的实现方法。接着利用MATLAB函数语言编程,用Simulink工具仿真IIR数字滤波器,其中用信号处理图形界面FDATool来设计滤波器,并用FDATool模拟IIR数字滤波器处理信号。在此基础上,使用MATLAB提供的GUI工具设计图形用户界面,实现方便用户使用的数字滤波器交互界面的开发。此设计扩展性好,便于调节滤波器的性能,可以根据不同的要求在MATLAB上加以实现。 关键词:IIR数字滤波器;冲激响应不变法;双线性变换法;图形用户界面 ABSTRACT In modern communication systems, Because often mixed with various signal complex components, So many signal analysis is based on filters, and the digital filter is realized through numerical computation, digital filters filter with high precision, stability and flexibility, dont exist. Digital filter according to its impulse response function and characteristics of the time can be divided into two kinds, namely the infinite impulse response (IIR) digital filter and finite impulse response (FIR digital filters). The order of realizing IIR filter is used, low and high efficiency less storage unit, high precision, and can keep some simulation characteristics of filter, so it is widely used. In this paper, the IIR digital filter design theory and methods used, that is, the same impulse response method and bilinear transformation method. In the analysis of IIR principle, based on theoretical analysis to establish the design of IIR digital filter method. Especially in the MATLAB signal processing to all areas of research toolbox personnel can easily for scientific research and engineering application. This paper introduces the concept of digital filter, classification and design requirements. Then using MATLAB language programming, Simulat


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