初中英语人教版八年级上册unit2 1a~1c.ppt

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Unit 2 How often do you exercise ? What do you usually do on weekends? I always use the Internet. I usually read books. I often watch TV. I sometimes go shopping. I hardly ever exercise. I never have swing dance. always usually often sometimes never hardly ever 总是 通常 常常 有时 几乎不 从不 help with housework 频率副词 always意为 “总是”, 表示动作的重复或状态的延续。 usually意为 “通常”, 表示很少有例外。 often意为 “经常”, 表示动作的重复, 但不如usually那么频繁, 中间有间断。 sometimes意为 “有时”, 表示动作偶尔发生。 hardly ever意为 “几乎不”,等于hardly 常和ever连用表示强调。 never意为 “从未”。 100% always usually often sometimes hardly ever never 0% 提示:频率副词在句中的位置是:实义动词之前, be动词或助动词之后。 What does he/she usually do on weekends? He/She always uses the Internet. He/She usually reads books. He/She often watches TV. He/She sometimes goes shopping. He/She hardly ever exercises. He/She never has swing dance. I usually play the guitar on weekends. I sometimes play the guitar on weekends. I always play the guitar on weekends. 比一比,看谁说得又快又好? 100% I usually do my homework on weekends. I often do my homework on weekends. I sometimes do my homework on weekends. I sometimes exercise on weekends. I hardly ever exercise on weekends. I never exercise on weekends. 0% 1a Look at the picture. Make a list of the different weekend activities. 1. help with housework 2. ____________ 3. ____________ 4. ____________ 5. ____________ read books exercise watch TV go shopping help with housework 帮助做家务 (1) help with sth. 意为“帮助做某事” 拓展:help sb. with sth. = help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事 Eg: I often help him with his English. = I often help him (to) learn English. 我经常帮他学习英语。 (2)housework 意为“家务劳动”。不可数名词。 1. They have housework to do. A. many B. much 1b.Listen and write the activities next to the correct frequency words. always(100%)exercise,________ usually__________________ often __________________ sometimes __________________ hardly ever __________________ never(0%) __________________ watch TV help with housework go sho


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