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23 6 Vol.23,No. 6 200111 RESOURCES SCIENCE Nov. , 2001 谢高地, 鲁春霞, 成升魁 ( , 100101) :, , , , :( 1) ; ( 2) ;( 3);(4) ;(5) ; (6) : ; ; :G304 :A : 1007- 7588( 2001)06- 0005- 05 PROGRESS IN EVALUATING THE GLOBAL ECOSYSTEM SERVICES XIE Gao2di, LU Chu 2xia, CHENG She g2kui (Institute of Geographical Sciences andNatural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing, 100101, China ) Abstract: Si ce there is a growi g i terest i the fu ctio of ecosystem services, it has a sig ifica ceto assess the margi al value of ecosystem services. Ma y researchers have focused o the margi al value of ecosystem services by various approaches, i which great progress have bee made. Most methods used i the studies are based, directly or i directly, o assessi g i dividual willi g ess to pay for the ecosystem services. To evaluate the global ecosystem services, the i put2output model of static ge eral equilibrium a d partial equi2 librium are employed; the the value of regio al ecosystem services has bee primarily assessed i Chi a. However, the further studies o ecosystem services are restricted by ma y factors, such as the complicatio of ecosystem services a d their fu ctio s, differe t value judgeme ts, imperfectio of market, difficulties for positive studies, a d so o . The i 2depth studies are suggested to befocused o : ( 1) values of differe t eco2 system services; (2) spatial heteroge eity of ecosystem serv


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