英语人教版八年级下册Monkey King.ppt

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Unit6 An old man tried to move the mountains. Section A 3a~3c 盘锦市魏书生中学 徐 朗 复习旧知 Revision Legend “Yu Gong Moves a Mountain” 1. How does the story begin? 2. Why did the old man want to move the mountains? 3. What did he ask his family to do? 4. Where would they put all the earth and stone from the mountains? Why? 5. What did Yu Gong and his family do after he told them his idea? 6. What happened next? Did people believe Yu Gong could do it? 7. What did Yu Gong say about how he could move the mountains? 8. What happened at last? 2+1minutes 1.How does the story begin? Once upon a time, there was a very old man… There were two mountains near his house. No.5 2. Why did the old man want to move the mountains? Because the mountains were so high and big that it took ___________ to walk to the other side. 3. What did he ask his family to do? He asked his family to help him to _________________. No.4 a long time move the mountains 4. Where would they put all the earth and stone from the mountains? Why? They put it into the _____ because_____________________________. 5. What did Yu Gong and his family do after he told them his idea? They all started _______ the next day. No.3 sea it’s big enough to hold everything digging 6. What happened next? Did people believe Yu Gong could do it? _______________________________ when they were working on moving the mountains. He told Yu Gong he could never do it because he was old and weak. No.3 A man saw Yu Gong and his children 7. What did Yu Gong say about how he could move the mountains? As soon as the man finished talking, Yu Gong said that his family could ________________the mountain. 8. What happened at last? Finally, a god was so moved by Yu Gong that he _________________________________. No.2 continue to move sent two gods to take the mountains away 学习目标 Learning Aims 1.学会7个单词,10个短语; 2.泛读课文,了解文章大意; 3.了解中国神话故事人物,能够 使用学过的单词和短语讲故事。 Monkey King Reading 1 Read the passage and then answer the questions below. 1. Which book i


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