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PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 20 2011-2018年高考全国卷及各省市完形填空试题汇编 1(2011全国I卷) In our discussion with people on how education can help them succeed in life, a woman remembered the first meeting of an introductory 36 ________course about 20 years ago. The professor 37 _________the lecture hall, placed upon his desk a large jar filled with dried beans(豆), and invited the students to 38 ________how many beans the jar contained. After 39 _________shouts of wildly wrong guesses the professor smiled a thin, dry smile, announced the 40 _________ answer, and went on saying,” You have just 41 _________an important lesson about science. That is: Never 42________ your own senses.” Twenty years later, the 43 _________could guess what the professor had in mind. He 44 ________himself, perhaps, as inviting his students to start an exciting 45 __________into an unknown world invisible(无形的)to the 46 _________?,which can be discovered only through scientific?47 _________?. But the seventeen-year-old girl could not accept or even?48 ___________?the invitation. She was just 49 ___________??to understand the world. And she 50 ___________?that her firsthand experience could be the?51 __________?.The professor, however, said that it was 52 ____________?. He was taking away her only 53 ___________?for knowing and was providing her with no substitute. “I remember feeling small and 54 ____________?,”the women says, “and I did the only thing I could do.? I?55__________??the course that afternoon, and I haven’t gone near science since.” 36.A. art?????????????? B. history???????????? C. science????????? ? D. math 37.A. searched for??B. looked at??????????C. got through????? ?D. marched into 38.A. count??????????? B. guess????????????? ?C. report?????????? ? D. watch 39.A. warning?????????B. giving???????????? ?C. turning away???? D. 1istening to 40.A. ready??????????? B. possible??????????? C. correct????????? ? D. difficult 41.A. learned?????????B. prepared???????????C. taught?????????? ?? D. tak



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