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河北工大学 毕 业 论 文 作 者: 贾晋阳 学 号: 学 院: 化工学院 系(专业): 制药工程 题 目: 甘草酸的纯化工艺研究 指导者: (姓 名) (专业技术职务) 评阅者: (姓 名) (专业技术职务) 2012 年 6 月 9 日 毕业设计中文摘要 甘草酸的纯化工艺研究 摘要:从6种树脂中通过静态吸附筛选出了ADS-17树脂作为提取纯化甘草酸的最佳树脂。研究了pH值、上样液流速、上样液浓度、洗脱液浓度、洗脱液用量这五个因素对甘草酸吸附、解吸作用的影响,并通过正交试验考察了最佳工艺条件。实验结果证明最佳吸附条件为:pH值为6.0、上样液流速为2BV/h、上样浓度为10mg/ml;最佳解吸条件为:洗脱剂10%乙醇、洗脱液用量234ml。在实验得出的最佳条件下,甘草酸的纯度为65.07%,回收率为61.39%。另外,我们还在氢氧化钠回流的条件下进行了甘草酸构型的转换,结果表明转构后的甘草酸纯度为87.66%,产率44.1%。 关键词: 大孔树脂 吸附 纯化 甘草酸 毕业设计外文摘要 Title The research of the Purification Technology of Glycyrrhizic Acid Abstract By static adsorption, ADS-17 resin is filtered as the optimal resin to extract purified glycyrrhizic acid from the six kinds of resins. The study of pH, supernatant flow rate, supernatant concentration, eluent concentration and eluent amount shows these five factors effects on the adsorption and desorption of glycyrrhizic acid, and optimum conditions were investigated by orthogonal experiment. Experimental results showed that the optimum adsorption conditions as follows: pH 6.0, supernatant flow rate for 2BV/h, the concentration of the supernatant for 10mg/ml; best desorption conditions were as follows: 10% ethanol, eluent amount for 234ml. Under optimal conditions droved by experiment, the purity of glycyrrhizic acid was 65.07%, recovery rate was 65.3%. In addition, we completed the structural conversion of glycyrrhizic acid under a condition of sodium hydroxides reflux; results showed that the purity of glycyrrhizic acid reached 87.66%; recovery rate reached 44.1% after the conversion. Keywords:Macroporous resins Adsorption Purification Glycyrrhizic Acid 目 次 TOC \o 1-2 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc326948353 1 引言 PAGEREF _Toc326948353 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc326948354 1.1 甘草酸简介 PAGEREF _Toc326


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