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锻压专业术语(中英) 锻压 forging and stamping 金属塑性加工 metal plastic working 金属压力加工 mechanical metal working 体积成形 bulk working 锻造 forging hot forging 锻造技术 forging technology forging technique 锻造工艺 forging technology forging process 锻工 forger/blacksmith/hammer man/hammer smith/hammerer 塑性 plasticity 超塑性 superplasticity 可锻性 forgeability 切削性能 machinability 最小阻力定律 the law of minimum resistance 体积不变条件 constance of volume/incompressibility 锻造流线 grain flow/forging flow line 滑移线 sliding line 中国机械工程学会锻压学会 Forging and stamping institution of CMES 中国锻造协会 china forging industry association 第一汽车制造厂锻造厂 first automobile works, forging plant 原材料及下料 原材料 raw material / material 棒料 bar 毛坯 billet/blank/stock/bar stock 坯料 perform/ perform slug/ blank/stock/ billet 下料 cropping/shearing 剪切下料cropping/ shearing 热切 hot cropping/ hot shearing 冷切 cold cropping/ cold shearing 锯切下料 sawing 带锯下料 band sawing 圆盘锯下料 circular sawing 冷折下料 nicking and breaking 热剁下料 hot cropping 气割 gas cutting/ oxygen-acetylene cutting 电弧切割 electric-arc cutting/ arc cutting 精密剪切 precision cropping/ precision shearing 钢号、牌号 grade of steel 规格 specification 炉号 heat number/ cast number/batch number 钢号代码 heat code/cast code 批号 batch number 技术条件 technical conditions/ technical provisions/specification 普通长度 normal length 陪尺长度 multiple length 定尺长度 specified length/ fixed length 周期型钢 periodic section steel 品质证明书 certification of quality 代用料 substitute material 代用标记 substitute mark 毛坯重量 billet weight 重量公差 weight tolerance 毛坯长度 billet length 长度公差 length tolerance 料头 stub bar 材料利用率 material utilization 毛坯加热 锻造温度范围 forging temperature interval/forging temperature range 始锻温度 starting forging temperature 终锻温度 final forging temperature 加热温度 heating temperature 炉温 furnace temperature 保温时间 holding time/dwelling time/soaking time 保温 soaking 火次 heating number 过热 over heat 过烧 burning 烧损、火耗 scale loss/heating loss 氧化铁皮、氧化皮 scale/oxide skin 加热炉 heating furnace 火焰加热 flame heating 火焰炉 flame furnace 推杆式炉、半连续炉 pusher furnace 装料、上料 loading 出料、卸料 unloading


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