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·药店与执业药师· 新西兰现行的药师注册及考试介绍 1* 2 赵 莉 ,尤启东 (1. 中国药科大学图书馆,南京 210009;2. 中国药科大学药学院,南京 210009) 中图分类号 R951 文献标志码 A 文章编号 1001-0408(2013)45-4317-04 DOI 10.6039/j.issn. 1001-0408.2013.45.35 摘 要 目的:为完善中国执业药师注册和考试提供参考。方法:通过对新西兰药学会(PCNZ )和新西兰药师协会(PSNZ )等网站 相关内容的翻译整理,以及国内外相关文献的查阅进行综合分析,并提出完善中国执业药师注册和考试的建议。结果与结论:新 西兰的执业药师注册和考试有章可循,药师作用得以体现,其实习药师模式、考试形式和内容以及能力审查这三点特别值得学 习。建议中国药师应以针对性的实习为基础,加强实习药师的监督和考核,确保实习经验的获取;考试形式多样化,注重考查药师 的药学服务能力,考试内容中增加临床及医学等内容;建立患者申诉机制,增加能力审查来确保药师执业过程中的服务质量,提升 药师业务水平。 关键词 新西兰;药师;注册;考试;介绍 Introduction on the Current Registration and Examination of Pharmacists in New Zealand 1 2 ZHAO Li ,YOU Qi-dong (1.Library of China Pharmaceutical University ,Nanjing 210009,China ;2.School of Pharmaceutical Science ,China Pharmaceutical University ,Nanjing 210009,China ) ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE :To provide reference for the improvement of the examination and registration of licensed pharmacists in China. METHODS :By translating and reorganizing the website contents of Pharmacy council of New Zealand (PCNZ )and Phar- maceutical society of New Zealand (PSNZ ),the related literatures at home and abroad were analyzed and the improvement sugges- tion about the the examination and registration of licensed pharmacists in China were put forward. RESULTS & CONCLUSIONS : The examination and registration of licensed pharmacists in New Zealand have rules to follow and play the role of pharmacist ;its experice is worth learning ,especially in pharmacist mode ,examination format and content ,ability examination. It is suggested to enhance the supervision and examination of intern pharmacists through integrating intern training programm so as to gain the experi- ences. Great importance should be attached to the pharmaceutical care capability of pharmacist by diversifying the pattern of exami- nation and the content of examinat


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