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PAGE 中国最大的论文知识平台 浙江科技学院本科毕业论文 内 容 摘 要 随着全球市场的交互性加强,物流行业的竞争日趋激烈,产品的寿命周期越来越短、产品品种日益增多。需求不确定性的增大使物流行业供应链供需不平衡的现象非常突出。库存的严重积压和产品的经常性缺货并存,由此带来的运作成本的上升降低了行业的利润和绩效。如何通过良好的库存管理平衡供需提升利润和企业竞争力是目前物流企业急待解决的问题。 本文以上虞B公司的产品库存为研究对象,首先分析了B公司库存的现状,用Flexsim仿真软件进行系统仿真,找出其中的问题,然后,根据公司近段时间以来业务量上升的趋势,对现有库存系统进行改进优化,通过Flexsim的仿真找出改进方法,尽可能提高仓库的利用率,降低库存成本,提高公司整体的竞争力, 本问的研究结果不仅对于提高B公司的库存管理水平、降低B公司的库存成本以及提高其供应链的反应速度和柔性,对于提高B公司的资金周转率、回报率以及提高B公司的市场竞争力都是非常重要的,对其它的与B公司同类型的物流企业也具有重要的参考价值。 关键词:库存系统;仓储优化;Flexsim;系统仿真 ABSTRACT Because of the interaction of the global market ,the logistics industry is becoming more competitive, product life cycles is becoming more and shorter, product is increasing variety. In the logistics supply chain, the supply and demand imbalance is very prominent, because of demand uncertainty increase .A serious backlog of inventory and product shortages existed, the resulting is that the increase of operating costs reduces the profits of the industry and performance. How to enhance profitability and competitiveness of enterprises by good balance of supply and inventory management is the logistics pressing problem. In this paper, the companys products Shangyu B stock as the research object, First analysis of the B status of the company stock, with Flexsim simulation software, find the problem, Then, according to the company Recently upward trend since the volume of business, to improve the existing inventory system optimization Through Flexsim to find a method to maximize storage utilization, lower inventory costs, enhance the overall competitiveness These results not only ask for improving the management level of stock company B, reduce the cost and improve the supply chain reaction speed and flexibility, to improve the capital turnover ,returns and improve the market competitive is very important to the other company which has the similar types of company B. KEYWORDS:Inventory systems, Storage optimization, Flexsim, System simulation 正文目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPE


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