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Suzhou Taihu Golf Hotel 苏州太湖高尔夫酒店 Policy Number 序号: ENG-002 Effective Date 生效 : Policy Procedure 政策和程序 Supersedes No. 废止号: Prepared By 制定: JAM JIN 工程值班经理岗位职责 Approved By 审核: Distribute to 发放: All Dept. Heads Hotel Executive Policy Procedure 政策和程序 POLICY STATEMENT 政策声明: 苏州太高尔酒店工程部所有人员均制定了岗位职责 Objective目的: 明确该职位人员的责任与义务 PROCEDURES 程序: Job Summary/ 岗位概述 Is responsible for the integrity of the hotel physical facilities including proper operation, repair, maintenance installation of ME plant, fire life safety, physical security of the building, FFE. 保证饭店设施的完好,包括运做情况,机电系统的维修和安装情况,防火和人身安全情况,建筑安全情况及固定资产等。 Duties Responsibilities/职责义务 To responsible for the implementation of polices procedures as follows : 执行下列政策和标准程序: preventive maintenance program 预防维护程序 fire life safety program 防火和人身安全程序 work request program 申请维修程序 energy conservation program 节约能源计划 safety tag program 安装危险警示标志 water treatment program 水处理程序 training program for associates directly under his supervision 对下属员工进行培训 parts and materials control 零件和材料控制 physical security program 总体安全程序 To ensure the correct, efficient and timely operation and maintenance of all ME services. To provide technical support and to lead and supervise in fault diagnosis and trouble shooting. 保证日常运行的准确,高效和准时,并维护机电设备。提供技术支援领导员工进行故障原因分析并进行抢修。 To make daily, weekly and monthly work assignment as regards to repairs and preventive maintenance and to follow through until work is completed in a satisfactory manner 按照维修工作的需求制订每天,每周和每月工作分配计划。落实维修情况直到达标。 Constantly determines opportunity for improving productivity and quality from associates in term of utilization, methods and performance 根据每位员工的不同情况合理分派工作,努力提高生产力,不断完善工作方法和程序。 Constantly evaluate the systems, plants operation for modification and improvement 经常评估系统和设备运行状况,以便及时调整和改进。 To develop preventive maintenance schedule plan and requirement based on labor availability, business cycle, seasonal considerations, code requirement, etc。 根据人手情况,营业情况,季节情况和法规要求安


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