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Suzhou Taihu Golf Hotel 苏州太湖高尔夫酒店 Policy Number 序号: ENG-003 Effective Date 生效 : Policy Procedure 政策和程序 Supersedes No. 废止号: Prepared By 制定: JAM JIN 电工岗位职责 Approved By 审核: Distribute to 发放: All Dept. Heads Hotel Executive Policy Procedure 政策和程序 POLICY STATEMENT 政策声明: 苏州太高尔酒店工程部所有人员均制定了岗位职责 Objective目的: 明确该职位人员的责任与义务 PROCEDURES 程序: Job Summary/ 岗位概述 To respond to job assignments in the repairing, installation, preventive maintenance and day to day operation of all electrical power distribution lighting system which include high tension switch gears, transformers, low tension switch gears, protective control circuit for overload, earth fault etc, KWH metering, power factor correction capacitors bank, DC charger panel, emergency generator, electronic light dimmer system, lighting arrestor, etc in a productive and cost effective manner so as to maintain the system in a most efficient and optimum condition. 电工要及时进行维修,安装,预防维护以及日常配电和灯光照明系统运行情况,包括酒店内高压开关,变压器,低压开关,过压保护电路,接地保护,电量计量表,辅偿电容器,直流充电装置,柴油发电机,弱电调光器,避雷器设备等,保持设备在高效和经济的运行状态。 Duties Responsibilities/职责义务 To execute all works assigned in accordance with the guideline and polices and procedures, especially in relation to fire and life safety. 按照饭店指导原则,规定和标准程序开展工作,特别要注意与消防生命安全程序的有关项目。 To execute preventive maintenance and repair in accordance with the guideline by engineer and manufacturers recommendations. 开展预防维护工作以及按照工程师的指令和生产商建议维修设备。。 To perform emergency duties as per outlined under emergency procedure. 在紧急情况下按照紧急程序开展工作 To familiar with all the electrical power distribution and lighting systems, its operating requirement and characteristics, so as to operate in strict compliance with requirement 了解掌握酒店配电和灯光系统以及设备的运行要求和特性,严格按照设备要求和特性操作设备 To attend on the job training 进行在岗培训。 To practice during course of duty. 在工作中执行顾客满意标准 To attend to guest request and complaints promptly and efficiently to avoid inconvenience or discomfort 对客人要求和投诉及时做出反应避免造成客人不便或不安 To practice and make recommendations to engineer on energ


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