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病例分析的评价 基本评价点 病例选择适宜 讨论的问题选择适宜 病史摘要简明扼要 分析讨论证据充分 心得体会深刻 文字用语规范 质量缺陷评价表 基本要求: 字迹潦草难以辨认、不能通读(重度缺陷) 有证据证明系拷贝行为导致的原则性错误(重度缺陷) 专业用语不规范(5) 药物名称未使用通用名(重度缺陷) 未针对明确的药物治疗事件展开讨论(重度缺陷) 主要参考文献未注明(2) 质量缺陷评价表 病史摘要: 病史介绍内容与讨论问题要点不能紧密结合(5) 疾病发展变化过程描述不清(5) 相关药物治疗情况描述不清(2) 遗漏主要阳性体征(2) 遗漏主要检查结果(2) 无关信息未加处理、内容过于冗长,不够简明扼要(5) 质量缺陷评价表 分析讨论: 选择的讨论问题过多或偏于宏观,不利于展开深入分析讨论(5) 讨论论据不充分(5) 讨论内容逻辑关系混乱(2) 讨论未能较好地体现循证医学(循证药学)基本原则(5) 质量缺陷评价表 总结: 总结内容与分析讨论内容不能紧密结合(5) 对临床药师在所讨论的治疗事件中的作用缺乏总结(5) 缺体会内容(5) 常见问题 请批评指正! 上海长海医院——第二届“专科临床药师药学服务技能及病例分析论坛” 2015年10月29日——武汉 临床药师的病例分析选题与写作 王 卓 卫生部临床药师(师资)培训基地 国家临床药学重点专科(军队建设) 中国人民解放军全军临床药学中心 第二军医大学附属长海医院药学部 临床药学病例分析 病例分析的选题 病例分析的写作 病例分析的评价 Case Report A report of a single case of a disease, usually with an unexpected presentation, which typically describes the findings, clinical course, and prognosis of the case, often accompanied by a review of other cases previously reported in the biomedical literature to put the reported case in context. /case+report Case report In medicine, a case report is a detailed report of the symptoms, signs, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of an individual patient. Case reports may contain a demographic profile of the patient, but usually describe an unusual or novel occurrence. Types of case reports Most case reports are on one of six topics[1]: An unexpected association between diseases or symptoms. An unexpected event in the course of observing or treating a patient. Findings that shed new light on the possible pathogenesis of a disease or an adverse effect. Unique or rare features of a disease. Unique therapeutic approaches. A positional or quantitative variation of the anatomical structures. /definitions/Case%20report?cx=partner-pub-0939450753529744%3Av0qd01-tdlqcof=FORID%3A9ie=UTF-8q=Case%20reportsa=Search#922 Usefulness and validity A case report is a type of anecdotal evidence. As such, it is less scientifically rigorous than controlled clinical data involving a larger sample size. Proponents argue that cas