SH 3076-96石油化工企业建筑物结构设计规范(英文).pdfVIP

SH 3076-96石油化工企业建筑物结构设计规范(英文).pdf

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UDC SH STANDARDS FOR INDUSTRIES OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA P SH 3076 ―96 CODE FOR DESIGN OF BUILDING STRUCTURES OF PETROCHEMICAL ENTERPRISES (石油化工企业建筑物结构设计规范) Issued on 1996 - 03 – 14 Implemented as of 1996 –09 - 01 Issued by China National Petrochemical Corporation CONTENTS 1.General Provisions 1 2. Load 1 2.1 General Regulations 1 2.2 Dynamic Load 3 2.3 Indirect Action on Structure 3 3. Base and Foundation 4 3.1 General Regulations 4 3.2 Selection of Foundation Types 5 3.3 Calculation of Base and Foundation 6 3.4 Structure of Foundation 12 4. Selection of Structure Types 15 5. Reinforced Concrete Single-Story Building 16 5.1 General Regulations 16 5.2 Main Points for Calculation 17 5.3 Column 22 5.4 Bracing System 23 5.5 Roof Structure 27 5.6 Lifting Beam 28 5.7 Building Enclosure and Others 28 6. Reinforced Concrete Multiple-story Factory Building 29 6.1 General Regulations 29 6.2 Analysis of Frame Internal Force 30 7 Buildings of Brick-Concrete Structures 33 7.1 General Regulation 33 7.2 Rules for Calculations 34 7.3 Structural Requirements 36 8. Semi-Underground Pumphouse 40 8.1 General Regulations 40 8.2 Rules for Calculation 40 8.3 Structural Requirements 41 Annex A Value of Dynamic Coefficient μ 43 Annex B Common Column Section Dimensions 45 Annex C Notes of Wording for the Standard 46 1.General Provisions 1.0.1 T


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