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华北电力大学本科毕业设计(论文) PAGE PAGE II 华北电力大学本科毕业设计(论文) 输电线路雷电绕击跳闸率计算 摘 要 经济的快速发展离不开电力系统的不断扩展和完善,随着电力系统容量的不断扩大,拓扑结构日趋复杂,对输电线路故障的研究和防止成为追求系统安全稳定运行这一目标的重要课题。输电线路的雷击跳闸事故占输电线路事故的60%以上,尤其是在山区的输电线路,由于特殊的地理环境和多变的气候条件导致雷击成为线路故障的主要原因。 根据国内外输电线路的运行统计结果,雷电绕击事故是雷击线路故障中的比例最高,也是输电线路跳闸事故的主要原因。因此,开展输电线路雷电绕击跳闸率计算研究,对于制定有效地防雷保护措施,指导我国输电工程线路防雷设计,提高电力系统安全可靠性具有重要的意义。 本课题主要研究雷电绕击的机理,输电线路雷电绕击对输电可能产生的影响。在此基础上开展输电线路雷电绕击跳闸率计算方法分析,掌握几种不同计算方法的优缺点以及适用范围,并利用其中的一种计算方法对某一实例进行验证分析。最后为输电线路制定有效地防雷保护措施以及指导我国输电工程线路防雷设计提供理论依据。 关键词:输电线路,跳闸率,雷电绕击 Abstract Rapid economic development is inseparable from the continuous expansion and improvement of the power system, with the growing capacity of the power system and the topology increasingly complex, researching and preventing faults on transmission lines to pursue system safe and stable operation became an important subject of the goal. Lightning Accident transmission accounts the transmission line accidents for more than 60%, especially in the mountains of transmission lines, due to the special geographical environment and changing climate conditions that cause lightning to become the main reason for the fault in the line. According to the statistical results at home and abroad to run transmission lines, lightning shielding failure was the highest proportion of Lightning stroke fault, which is also the main reason for tripping accidents. Therefore, developing the calculation research of transmission line lightning flashover rate of shielding failure for effective lightning protection measures to guide the design of the transmission line lightning protection engineering, improve power system security and reliability is of great significance. The main subject of this article is to study the mechanism of lightning shielding, and the effect of lightning shielding transmission lines on transmission .On the basis of it to develop the transmission line lightning strike trip out rate calculation method analysis, to grasp the scope of the advantages and disadvantages as w


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