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26 3 V o l. 26, N o. 3 2006 6 EARTHQUAKE ENG INEER ING AND ENG INEER ING V IBRAT ION Jun. 200 6 : 1000- 1301( 2006) 03- 0165- 03 1 1 2 3 姜忻良 , 谷 岩 , 董嘉岭, 周 涛 ( 1. , 300072 2. , 300042 3. , 300457) : 2 8 , , , : : P315. 97 TU 528. 57 2 TU 3 17. 1 : A R esearch on seism ic behaviour of reinforced p lasterboard filled w ith con crete 1 1 2 3 J iang X inliang , Gu Y an , D ong J ialing , Zhou T ao ( 1. School C iv il Engin eering, T ianj in U nivers it, T ian jin 300072, Ch ina 2. T ian jin G roup of H ouse, T ian jin 300042, Ch ina 3. T ian jin TEDA Engineering Q ual ity Intendance S tation, T ian jin 300457, Ch ina) Abs tract: In th is paper, through the exp ermi ents o f wt o f iber- reinforced p lasterboards filled w ith concrete and the tests o f 8 jo ints sp ec mi en s under low cyc lic loading, the behaviour o f these boards, such as the capacity of shearing force, the du ctility features, the hysteretic ch aracteristics, the energy-dissip ating capacity and the dam age state etc are studied. T he natural frequencies, m oda l sh ap es and m oda l dam p ing rat ios of the typ ical structura l system are go t by dynam ic beh av iour m easurem ent. It is shown tha t the structura l system has exce llen t seism ic behav iour. K ey w ord s: re inforced plasterboard low cyclic loading joint dynam ic ch aracter seism ic behavior , , , , , , , , 1 2 , B 1B2, : 2005- 11- 17 : 2006- 03- 15 : ( ( 02- 2- 5 11) : ( 195 1- ) , , , , - . 166


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