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派生词部分 语法填空中有些单词变形侧重于考查构词法,主要是派生构成法。 派生法( derivation )是英语中重要的构词法,它借助在词干上加词缀的办法来构成新的单词。一个单词的基本部分称 为词干( stem),加在词干前面的部分称为前缀( prefix ),加在词干后面的部分成为后缀( suffix )。一般来说,前缀改变 词义,后缀改变词性。如:在 repayment (偿还)一词中, pay 付钱,是词干; re-有 “返还 ”之意,是前缀,改变词义; -ment 是后缀,改变词性为名词。 英语中派生词很多。这里我们只能把常考的派生词按词缀进行归类练习,以提高我们掌握、识记单词的能力。把课本生 词表中的生词记牢才是备考的上策。 第 1 讲 常见前缀 1. This may sound ____ (convenient), but English people 7. Do not carry too much money or ____ (necessity) credit are used to doing so. cards. 2. Meanwhile, the editor was getting ____(patience), for the 8. Although ____ (able) to publish at that time, he magazine would soon go to press. circulated( 使传阅 ) three photocopied collections of his 3. If they stay in a museum too long, a feeling of boredom work. will build up, leading eventually to ____(patience) and 9. The student or any other person, may come back to his fatigue. work tired and ____ (interested). 4. My motto also makes me become an ____ (depend) 10. People were ____ (familiar) with this product at the person. beginning, and made many guesses at how it was 5. Faridabad is very poor and most people don ’thave air produced. conditioners or even electric fans. Besides, electricity is 11. Staring out of the window, my mother complained about often cut off____ (expect). the ____ (responsible


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