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编号: 哈尔滨体育学院 本科学生毕业论文(设计)工作记录 ( 届) 论文题目:关于健美操教育对学生身心发展的重要性研究 姓 名: 学 号: 系 别: 专 业: 指导教师: 摘 要 健美操是集音乐 舞蹈 体操 美学于一体的新型体育项目,并以其独具的特色和魅力吸引着广大的学生,深受他们的喜爱健美操使练习者通过练习养成正确的身体姿态,发展协调性 灵活性 柔韧性和耐久性,改善心血管系统功能,提高人体的有氧代谢能力,使人体达到最佳机能状态。 健美操的训练,可以在增强体质的同时,对心理素质引导和培养,特别对学生的表现心 自信心 艺术修养 意志品质的培养和锻炼也能起到较好的作用在大学体育课中,加强健美操训练,不仅可提高心理素质,而且对增强他们的体质,学习锻炼身体的方法,培养终身体育的习惯都有重要的意义。 本文旨在为更好地推广健美操运动提供理论依据,重视大学生的生理和心理健康教育,形成终身体育习惯,为国家培养栋梁之材。 关键词:健美操 学生 身心健康 ABSTRACT Aerobics is a new aesthetics of music and dance gymnastics in one sport, and its unique character and charm to attract the majority of students,their favorite aerobic enable practitioners to practice to develop the correct body posture, develop coordination, flexibility flexibility and durability, improve the cardiovascular system function, improve the bodys aerobic capacity, so that the human body to achieve the bestfunctional state. Aerobics training can enhance the physical, psychological quality guidance and training, particularly on students confidence in the quality of training of the will of the artistic accomplishments in the performance of the heart and exercise can play a better role in the university physical education, strengthening fitnessoperation training, and not only can improve the psychological quality, and enhance their physical fitness, and learn ways to exercise, to cultivate the habit of lifelong sports have an important significance. This article aims to provide a theoretical basis to better promote the sport of aerobics, emphasis on physical and mental health education of college students to form a habit of lifelong physical and culture Dongliangzhicai countries. Keywords: aerobics s tudents physical and mental health 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc320038950 摘 要 PAGEREF _Toc320038950 \h 2 HYPERLINK \l _Toc320038951 ABSTRACT PAGEREF _T



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