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出口业务操作 浙江金融职业学院 学习情境十:出口业务善后操作(1) 学习情境十:出口业务善后操作(2) 学习情境十:出口业务善后操作(3) 知识归纳 (三)出口退税 (1) (2) (3) (4) 必须是属于增值税、消费税征税范围的货物 必须是报关离境的货物 必须是在财务上作销售处理的货物 必须是出口收汇并已核销的货物 1. 出口退(免)税货物的基本条件 2. 流通型外贸企业退税的方法 (1)退增值税的方法 自身销售环节的增值部分免税 收购部分按收购成本与退税率计算退税 (2)退增值税的依据 增值税专用发票 出口外销发票 出口货物报关单 出口收汇核销单 票 两 单 两 能力拓展 承接上一次课 王敏的工作任务如下: 任务3:办理出口退税工作 2008年8月1日,外贸业务员王敏或指示外贸单证员办理出口退税工作。 总结与思考 生产型外贸企业应如何完成出口退税工作? Content Layouts Content Layouts Content Layouts * * * * 能力目标: 10.1能根据整票业务完成情况给国外客户书写业务善后函 知识目标: ·熟悉常见业务善后函的书写 学习情境十 2008年10月20日,浙江金苑进出口有限公司收到杭州市商业银行结汇收账通知(银行水单)如下: 任务1:书写业务善后函 操作演示 2008年10月21日,浙江金苑进出口有限公司外贸业务员田娜拿出本笔交易的有关资料,对整笔业务进行回顾,并给书Cadi GmbH & Co.KG经理Dirk Nowitzki书写并发送如下业务善后函,一方面表示感谢,另一方面附上公司最新的价格清单希望有新的合作。 Dear Mr Nowitzki, We are very much pleased to have received USD52000.00 against L/C No. HZ4673890 under Contract No. ZJJY0801908. You can be sure that the goods shipped will meet your needs just well. We believe the conclusion of this transaction will help to further our mutual understanding and pave the way for more business in the future. In order to promote commercial intercourse with overseas business circle, we are pleased to take steps in world trade. Not only various terms of payment, but more forms of business cooperation can be adopted in the time to come. Needless to say, with the development of our trade relations. There will be more and more topics of interest to be discussed between us. We are expecting your advice. As you might not be aware of the new development in our product range, we are airmailing to you a copy of our latest illustrated price list. If any item interests you, please let us know. We will give you a special discount of 2% for orders exceeding USD100000 to promote sales at your end. We hope our handling of your first order will lead to further transactions between us and look forward to your favorable reply. Yours truly, Tian Na 知识归纳 (一)出口业务善后函 1. 开证行接受单据时的善后函 由于此时整笔交易进展得非常顺利,写法上就显得相对比较随意.


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