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PAGE PAGE 1 河南师范大学本科毕业论文 河南师范大学 本科毕业论文 学号: 0915124042 我国农产品价格上涨的原因及对策 学院名称: 商学院 专业名称: 经济学 年级班别: 2009级经济学班 姓 名: 指导教师: 2013年5月 河南师范大学本科毕业论文 PAGE 8 我国农产品价格上涨原因及对策 摘 要 农产品价格波动已经成为我国物价上涨的一个主要因素。很多农产品的进口依赖于外国,从而国际农产品价格的上涨也就带动了国内农产品价格的上涨。供需失衡,种植面积减少,农产品种植成本上涨,市场游资抬升产销中间环节冗长等因素也在一定程度上助长了农产品价格的上涨。为抑制农产品价格过度上涨,需要完善农产品进出口管理制度及产品期货市场,培育农民专业合作组织,稳定农作物种植面积。另外,还应加强农产品流通管理,降低农产品批发运输等中间环节费用,严厉打击农产品囤积炒作行为,加快信息化建设,发展订单农业等新型交易方式。 关键词 农产品价格;上涨;对策 Agricultural Prices Rise Causes and Countermeasures of Our Country Abstract Agricultural price volatility has become a major factor in rising prices in China. Many agricultural products depend on foreign imports, and international agricultural prices has led to the domestic agricultural prices. Factors such as imbalance of supply and demand, reduction of planting area, risen costs of agricultural planting, risen of market liquidity, and long intermediate of production and sales also contributed to rising prices to some extent. To curb excessive agricultural prices rise, we need to improve the system of agricultural products import and export management and product futures market, cultivating farmers professional cooperative organization, and stable crop planting area. In addition, we should strengthen the management of the agricultural products circulation, reduce the fee of wholesale and transport of agricultural product. We also need to crack down on hoarding hype behavior of agricultural products, speed up the informatization construction and developing the order agriculture as a new way to trade. Keywords prices for agricultural products ; rising ; countermeasures 一、我国农产品价格上涨的状况 近年来,我国农产品价格节节上涨,且上涨幅度明显高于CPI整体涨幅,引发社会强烈反响。2004-2012年,全国农产品批发价格指数年均约涨9个点,其中2007年-2008年受国际市场大幅上涨带动,涨幅在15个点左右,2008年下半年起在国际金融危机影响下小幅下跌,2010年有所反弹,2011年涨幅扩大至20个点,2012年涨幅趋缓。综合农产品价格变化的历史规律和当前国内外市场形势,预计2013年我国农产品价格总体正常上涨,但涨幅可能会小幅回落


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