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青岛市某综合管廊内市政配套管线的选择 宗绍宇1 , 付昆明2( 1. 济南市市政工程设计研究院,山东 济南 青岛市某综合管廊内市政配套管线的选择 宗绍宇1 , 付昆明2 ( 1. 济南市市政工程设计研究院,山东 济南 250101; 2. 北京建筑大学环境与能源工程学院 城市雨水系统与水环境省部共建教育部重点实验室,北京 100044) 摘 要: 青岛市高新技术产业区某市政管线主要包括电力、通信( 含有线电视) 、燃气、热力、 给水、污水、雨水、再生水等管线。在综合管廊的设计过程中,通过对国内外综合案例的调查,与国 内综合管廊的发展水平,并结合《城市综合管廊工程技术规范》( GB 50838—2012 ) ,对青岛市高新 技术产业区某市政管线进行具体分析,方案确定采用综合管廊与直埋相结合的形式,其中电力、通 信、热力、给水、再生水等 5 种市政管线纳入综合管廊,而燃气、雨水、污水管线采用直埋敷设,这种 敷设方式改变了以往各专业单位各自直埋方式,是必要的,也是可行的。 关键词: 综合管廊; 给水管线; 排水管线; 再生水管线; 燃气管线 中图分类号: 文献标识码: 文章编号: 1000 - 4602( 2014) 20 - 0062 - 04 TU992 B Selection of Municipal Pipelines in a Municipal Tunnel in Qingdao City ZONG Shao-yu1 , FU Kun-ming2 ( 1. Jinan Municipal Engineering Design and Research Institute,Jinan 250101,China; 2. Key Laboratory of Urban Stormwater System and Water Environment < Ministry of Education > , School of Environmental and Energy Engineering,Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture,Beijing 100044,China) Abstract: Municipal pipeline engineering in Qingdao National High-tech Industrial Development Zone comprise power lines,communication lines ( including cable television ) ,gas pipelines,heating pipelines,water pipelines,wastewater pipelines,rainwater pipelines and reclaimed water pipelines. By investigating cases of municipal tunnel at home and abroad,according to the domestic development status of municipal tunnel,and combined with the Technical Code for Urban Municipal Tunnel Engineering ( GB 50838 - 2012 ) ,the municipal pipeline engineering in Qingdao National High-tech Industrial Develop- ment Zone was analyzed. The project finally adopted a way of combining direct buried pipeline and mu- nicipal tunnel. Power lines,communication lines,heating pipelines,water pipelines and reclaimed water pipelines were incorporated in the municipal tunnel. While gas pipelines, rainwater pipelines and wastewater pipelines were buried directly. It was necessary and feasible to change the traditional ways to directly bury pi


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