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辽宁科技大学本科毕业设计 第 PAGE 1页 四川省三台县华园镇大西街钢筋 混凝土T型梁桥设计与计算 摘 要 大西街桥位于四川省三台县华园镇大西街,跨径布置采用 122=24m ,桥面净宽为11+1.5×2,横桥向设置七片主梁,桥面采用双向横坡,坡度为1.5%,人行道采用单向横坡,坡度为1%,设计荷载为公路--Ⅱ级。下部结构采用双柱式桥墩及扩大基础,取其中一跨进行设计计算。设计计算过程大致为:首先确定桥梁的选型;其次进行总体和局部设计,包括纵断面详细尺寸的确定和细部构造确定;然后先对主梁进行内力、配筋计算,再进行强度、应力及变形验算,再对桥面板进行内力、配筋计算,再进行强度、应力及变形验算,随后对横隔梁进行内力、配筋计算,以及连接钢板的强度、应力验算,最后进行桥墩和基础设计和验算。 关键词: T型简支梁桥;主梁;横隔梁;盖梁;扩大基础 The Design and Calculation of the Reinforced Concrete T-beam for Daxijie Bridge in Sichuan Abstract The Daxijie bridge sites in Daxijie,Huayuanzhen Santaixian in Sichuan province. the design use the T beam bridge of concretes. The span arrangement is 165=80m. The main design calculation process of article include: Firstly, carries on the comparision and selection of plan for bridge; secondly, carries on the overall system design, including determination of detailed size of the longitudinal and detail structure; then carries on the computation of the internal force and the reinforcing bars to the superstructure, thirdly, carries on checking calculation of the intensity、the stress and the deformation again, finally carries on the design and the checking calculation for the substructure. Includes the following several parts specifically: 1.The comparison of several bridge types; 2.The bridge arrangement, drawing up the various part of sizes of the structure; 3. Choosing the calculation diagram of the structute; 4. The combination of internal force for the permanent load; 5.The combination of internal force for the live load; 6.The combination of every kind of load; 7. The arrangement of reinforcing bar; 8.The check of the section intensity; 9.The checking calculation of crack and deformation; 10. The checking calculation of the substructure. Keywords: T shaped supported beam bridge; Main bean; Diaphragm beam;Capping Beam; Expanded foundation 1 绪论 1.1 概述 随着人们生活水平的提高,人们用的交通工具已经有了很大的变化,为了满足这一变化的要求,政府就必须投入大量资金搞交通建设,本设计也是基于改善人们日常生活的方便而设计,该设计桥梁位


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