牛津译林版八年级上册8A unit1-3单元测试英语试卷.doc

牛津译林版八年级上册8A unit1-3单元测试英语试卷.doc

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PAGE PAGE 1 8A unit1-3单元测试英语试卷 一、选择。15分 1 Is thereto eat in your bowl? No, there is left. A something,anything B anything,something C nothing something D anything nothing 2 I can’t understand the story there are many new words in it. A because B because of   C but D so 3 the stars, the sun is to the earth. A In ,the nearest B of , the nearest C In , the most nearer D of , the nearer 4 I hope you me some advice. A to give   B give C will give D giving 5Must I finish my homework now? NO, you . A must not  B don’t C needn’t D can’t 6Please tell me what Simon looks like? ______________________. A He is sad. B He is right. C He is tall. D He is a student. 7___________________do you go to the reading club? _______Twice  a week. A How  often B How long C How far D How soon 8 He _____-three  hours ______the World Cup yesterday. A Took , watch B takes , see C spends, looking D spent , watching 9what do you think of the fish? It looks ______, but it tastes_________. A delicious , bad B well , delicious C delicious , good D well, nice 10 There are more buildings in our school than ________________. A your B in yours C your school D yours 11 Which do you like _______________, white ____red, Tom? A more, and B better, or C best, or D better, and 12 The price of the book is the ______________of the three. A smallest B biggest C highest D tallest 13Could you tell me _____to have the meeting tonight? At the meeting room on the third floor. A why B how C where D when 14 Don’t make any noise in the living room.,my baby is sleeping. __________________. A Sorry, I won’t. B It doesn’t matter. C Excuse me, I’m coming. D Certainly, I won’t. 15 How do you pronounce the word “traffic”. A /traific/ B /tr?fik/  C /trefik / D/trefic/ 二、完形填空。(10分,每小题1分) In the United States, Monday is the beginning of the workweek(工作周). It is the day most Americans like(1) _____. And it is c


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