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PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT I PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT II 摘 要 新闻发布系统又叫做内容管理系统CMS,是一个基于网络的新闻发布和管理管理系统,它是基于B/S结构的系统,本系统可以几乎完成新闻发布的所有功能。随着网络新闻发布系统的使用, 网络充当一个比电视报纸更重要的新闻媒介的功能。本系统采用PHP作为开发语言,WAMP作为开发环境,vim作为开发工具,Mysql5.5作为数据服务器,实现了对网站基本参数设置、新闻类别设置,动态新闻发布及管理等一系列功能,完成了一个动态新闻发布系统的所有功能,包括新闻新闻搜索、表情评论、文字留言、管理员登陆等与用户交互界面。系统捕获了绝大多数的异常情况,具有较好的安全性,容错性。前台页面结合HTML语言生成静态页面,杜绝了一般用户直接操作数据库的可能,满足了基本的新闻发布系统需求。要实现这个庞大的功能,我们先对用户权限进行划分,不同的用户有着不同的权限。访客进入到新闻发布系统的主页面,可以浏览所有的相关新闻。但是没有任何特殊的特权。最后是管理员,他拥有权限最高,他可以管理所有的新闻,以及新闻分类。可以增加和修改新的新闻分类,也可以增加和修改新的新闻内容。 关键字:新闻发布系统;PHP与MySQL;内容发布;B/S结构; ABSTRACT Press Release System also called content management system CMS, is a web-based news publishing and management management system, which is based on B / S structure of the system, the system can be completed almost all the features news release. With the use of online news publishing system, the network acts as a newspaper is more important than television media functions. The system uses PHP as a development language, WAMP as a development environment, vim as a development tool, Mysql5.5 as a data server to achieve the basic parameters of the site, news category settings, dynamic series of press releases and other management functions, completed a All features dynamic news release system, including news news search, Wink Comments, text messages, the administrator landing and user interface. System captures the vast majority of unusual circumstances, with better security, fault tolerance. Front page combines HTML language to generate static pages to eliminate the average user could directly manipulate the database to meet the basic needs of the news release system. To achieve this huge function, we first divide the user privileges, different users have different privileges. Visitors enter the main page of the news release system, you can browse all the news. But without any special privileges. Finally, an administrator, he has the highest authority, he can manage all the news, and news categories. You can add and



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