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中国最大的论文知识平台 摘 要 广告英语作为一种应用语言,有着自己独特的语言特点和风格。广告英语用词优美,句法简洁却内涵丰富,修辞变化多端,耐人寻味,以最简单的语言表达最复杂的意义,语言的魅力在广告中得以充分的展示。广告旨在于打动人心,激发人们的购买欲,一字一句都需要充分发挥它的魅力和产品所要表达的商业目的。因此,广告商挖空心思地追求新的创意,在广告中运用丰富的双关语。巧妙的双关能使语言含蓄、幽默、生动、机智,起到旁敲侧击、借题发挥的作用,能很好的突出广告的特点,因而在广告中得到大量应用。本文从同音双关、谐音双关、一词异义双关、一词多义双关几个方面对双关语在英语广告中的运用作了阐述;同时也运用契合译法、分别表义法、套译法、侧重翻译法和补偿法等对英语广告双关语的翻译作了些探讨。 关键词:英语广告;双关语;翻译技巧 ABSTRACT As an applied language, advertising English has its own specific language style and features. With appealing dictions, succinct sentence structures, rich connotation and varied use of rhetoric devices, advertisements surprisingly give full play to the charm of language, using the simplest language to express the most complex meanings. Advertisements aim to stimulate people’s desire for shopping. Therefore, manufacturers wrack their brains to be creative with the use of rich puns. The artful use of such rhetorical devices makes advertisements connotative, humorous, vivid and witty—impressive in a roundabout way. Thus pun becomes widely and frequently used to achieve purposed effects of advertisements. This article aims to elaborate on the various forms of puns such as homophonic pun, paronomasia, antalaclasis and syllepsis, and to probe into some common techniques of translating English puns in advertisements such as fit translation, semantic translation, sets translation, priority translation, and compensation translation. Keywords: English advertisements; pun; translation techniques Contents TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc231911023 1.Introduction of pun PAGEREF _Toc231911023 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc231911024 1.1 The definition and features of pun PAGEREF _Toc231911024 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc231911025 1.2Classification of pun PAGEREF _Toc231911025 \h 2 HYPERLINK \l _Toc231911026 2. Function of puns in English advertisement PAGEREF _Toc231911026 \h 3 HYPERLINK \l _Toc231911027 2.1 Rhetoric function PAGEREF _Toc231911027 \h 3 HYPERLINK \l _Toc231911028 2.2 Pragmatic function PAGEREF _T



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