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基于SSH的高校毕业生供求系统研发 PAGE PAGE 5 毕业设计论文 题 目: 基于SSH的高校毕业生供求信息网研发 院 (系): 教育信息技术学院 专 业: 教育技术学(多媒体与网络技术) 学生姓名: 学 号: 20060802002 中文摘要 2010年,全国大学毕业人数达630万,加上往年尚未就业的,需要就业的人数达700万,而仅广东省需要就业的大学生就有60万以上教育部关于做好2010年普通高等学校毕业生工作的通知。在这种情况下,有效做好高校毕业生供求信息的发布,在企业、学校、学生之间建立一个快捷方便的信息沟通平台显得更为重要。 教育部关于做好2010年普通高等学校毕业生工作的通知 本课题旨在建立一个网上信息发布系统,针对当前大学毕业生的就业特点和企事业单位对毕业生的用人需求,为大学生就业量身打造一个高效实用的网上供求信息发布平台,帮助大学生顺利地就业,用人单位方便地找到合适的人才。 通过对系统的需求分析,论文描述了本高校毕业生供求系统的总体功能,将系统分为表示层、业务逻辑层和持久层,各层分别用Struts、Spring和Hibernate来实现。论文通过对系统数据分析的基础上,设计了数据库ER模型。论文还介绍了系统开发环境及系统各层所采用的框架。最后总结了全文并对该系统的进一步研究做了展望。 关键词:高校毕业生供求信息系统,Struts,Spring,Hibernate ABSTRACT There will be a number of 6.3 million of college graduates by 2010 in China,with graduates that are not employed previous years, the total number of graduates in need of employment reach 700 million. Only in Guangdong Province, this number is 60 million or more. In this case, to make a effective release of graduates demand and supply information, build a convenient and fast communication platform for the This paper aims at establishing a web-based information distribution system, the employment of university graduates for the current characteristics and enterprises employing graduates of the demand for employment of university students to create an efficient and practical customized web of supply and demand information release platform to help students successfully employment, the employing unit and easily find the right talent. Through analyzing the requirements of the system, this paper design the overall function of the system, and the divide it into presentation layer,busiess logic layer and persistence layer, which is realized by using the frameworks of Struts,spring and hibernate.After analizing the system data,the ER model is appeared in this paper,also introduce the developments entironment and the framework of every layer, at the last,this paper sums up the whole article and gives future prospects of the study on the system. Key Wo


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