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Lesson 4 The World Economy The Economic Scene: A Global Perspective 一、术语: 1.centrally-planned economy 中央计划经济 2.market economy 市场经济 3.disinflationary (anti-inflationary) policies 反通货膨胀政策 cyclical deceleration in investment spending周期性的投资下降 4.deflation 通货紧缩 5.short-term dollar interest rates 短期美元利率 6.commodity market 商品市场 7.nominal (dollar) terms 名义(美元)价 8.constant (dollar) terms 不变(美元)价9.business cycle 商业周期 10.weighted average 加权平均数 11.hard currencies 硬通货 12.fiscal adjustment 财政调整 13.portfolio investment 有价证券投资 14.market diversification 市场多元化 15.tight credit policy 紧缩的信贷政策 16.exchange-rate devaluation 汇率贬值 17.accommodative monetary policy 融通性货币政策 18.yield curve 收益曲线 19.per capita GDP 人均国内生产总值 20.GATT: General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 关贸总协定 21.EMS: European Monetary System 欧洲货币体系 22.GDP deflator 消除国内生产总值通货膨胀因素指数( GDP 平减指数) 23.CMEA (Comecon): Council for Mutual Economic Assistance 经互会 24.LIBOR: London Inter-Bank Offered Rate 伦敦同业银行优惠利率 22.per capita income 人均收入 23.multilateral trade agreements 多边贸易协定 24.Portfolio investment 证券投资 25.cyclical deceleration in investment spending 生产总值通货膨胀因素指数 26.the population-weighted growth rate 人口加权增长率 二、词语释义:   1.in a row: in succession   2.easing: slowing down; decrease   3.momentum: force of movement   4.underlying: being at the basis of   5.slackening: slowing of speed   6.compound: worsen   7.moderate inflation: ease inflation   8.robust: strong and healthy   9.setbacks: frustrations   10.slump: depression 11.edge down: move slowly down 12.depreciation: devaluation 13.spike: abrupt increase 14.pick-up: recovery 15.rein in: control 16.bottoming-out: reaching the lowest point before rising again ( 止跌回升) 17.stagnat: stop; almost International conditions for growth in developing countries deteriorated in 1991. 1991年,对发展中国家经济增长的国际条件恶化。 The Seven major industrial countries (the G-7) experienced a significant slowdown in GDP growth-from 2.8 percent in 1990 to 1.9 percent during 1991 as recession gripped Canada, the United Kingdo


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