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ABSTRACTAiibome ABSTRACT Aiibome Bistatie Synthetic.Ar,erturc Radar(Bistatie SAR)is one kind of fleW imaging radar systems,whiela transmitter and receiver life mounted 013.separated platforms,SO it has mole agility in application.Contrasted with the conventional$AR system,such a spatial separation has several operational advantages whiela will a妇∞ the signature of stealthy targets,increase the capability and reduce the vulnerabifity in both military and civil usages.As a new concept means wlaiela c缸spy and observe the ground from interspace,Bistatie SAR is becoming one ofthe hotspots in radar imaging teelmology in recent years. The geometry and echoed signal models ofairborne Bistatie SAR on parallel aight configuration in broadside side-looking fire inlrodueed firstly.Based Oil these studies, the properties of Doppl盯and resolutions are analyzed and theoretical relationship between resolution and Bistatie SAR system parameters is suggested. The imaging algorithm of Bistatie SAR is discussed.The theory of RD algorithm and BP algorithm and the flow chart of Bistatie SAR is given,then the simulations of point and scene data results demonstrate the toffeemess and availability of the lid algorithm and BP algorithm.The result shows that the lid algorithm咖only work On the classical two-order range model,BP algorithm is缸accurate lime field imaging algorithm,but it has great computation load and don’t fit big scene imaging.a new parameter estimation method is present based On DCFT lransform of the millilllum entropy for chirp waveform,which c蛆estimate Doppler eentroid and Doppler frequency rate at the salne time,then this method is verified validity by Simulation experiment and we image real Bistatie SAR data by RD algorithm. The motion error of Bistatie SAR is studied in this elaapter.The model of motion error is given firstly,then the influence for the imaging of BP algorithm is gained by simulating the eITOIS of platform velocity,platform baseline and platform position wh


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