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Q2 2018 THE NIELSEN LOCAL WATCH REPORT THE EVOLVING OVER-THE-AIR HOME Copyright © 2019 The Nielsen Company (US), LLC. All Rights Reserved. THE NIELSEN LOCAL WATCH REPORT | Q2 2018 INTRODUCTION Do you remember your first TV? If it had ‘rabbit ears’, a channel dial, access to only a handful of stations, and no remote, you’re among millions of viewers. Even if you didn’t have a ‘broadcast only,’ or what we now call ‘over-the-air’ (OTA) TV set growing up, you might now. As of May JUSTIN LAPORTE 2018, more than 14% of all TV households—or 16 million homes—have VP, LOCAL INSIGHTS OTA status, and that number is on the rise. As consumers look for more on-demand and cost-effective options, there has been a resurgence in this type of television household. However, to really grasp this trend it is important to understand what OTA homes actually look like—who’s in them, and how they engage with media. What we’ve found is that two prominent OTA segments co-exist, each with very different profiles and media habits. One type of OTA home has at least one subscription video on-demand (SVOD) service, while the other has no SVOD service. When we refer to SVOD, we mean pay services, such as Netflix, Hulu (not Hulu Live), and Amazon Prime Video. The “No SVOD” homes tend to be older, more diverse and have a smaller median income, compared to the “Plus SVOD” segment, which skews younger, more affluent


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